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Here is the full uncut reaction to the Vampire Diaries season 4, episode 17, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





You: "I want a Caroline and Klaus episode!" Me: "Oh he's gonna love next episode." I seriously can't wait for you to watch next episode- or the next 3 episodes really. Oh man, I am already so hyped! As always, great reaction! And I agree, a mini series revolving around Damon in the 60's and 70's would be pretty great!


I would go further I want a cross over Damon and Spike in NY in the 70s since Spike was in NY in the same period too, imagine that....What a duo that would be!!! 😁


I absolutely adore the opening of the episode, it's a piece of genius, "you are that serial killer the son of Sam...." " No the son of Giuseppe...but close enough" while the Talking Heads song is playing "...psycho killer qu'est-ce que c'est?..." I don't know who among the writers though about this but whoever it was, he or she has a truly wicked, first rate dark (in the best way) sense of humour. David Berkowitz called "The son of Sam" was a real serial killer, terrorising New York in 1977. The idea of incorporating Damon story going around with his humanity off killing people at the same time of this real event happened; it's a stroke of genius. This episode is another important one. Now you know the entire Damon and Lexi story, well almost....there is another important piece of information missing, why Damon had his humanity off? What happen to him so traumatic that to cope with it he had to turn the switch off? And what happened to him was the reason why he came into town in the present day (first season) with his humanity on a dimmer switch. So he spent good 30/ 40 years maybe more with his humanity off. His story with Lexi is more complex. We saw already that she is the reasons why the two brothers were apart all those years, plus now we add that when Damon had his humanity off and needed help, Lexi showed up, not Stefan and apply her draconian methods on Damon and no surprised didn’t worked. Why should have worked? She is the reasons Damon had to leave his brother behind in the 40s’ and she is the one showing up instead of Stefan. Damon needed his brother, not Lexi. She had good intentions but why she didn’t investigate on why he switched his humanity off, instead of threat him with contempt and self-righteousness? Lexi methods even though they come from a good intention place are not good at all, especially with Damon. With Damon and Lexi, is not just that she is a reminder of the period he had his humanity off, the fact that she kept him apart from his brother, that she, not Stefan showed up to help him, and that she tortured him psychologically at the point he had to get rid of her for good doing something unforgivable to her eyes. When Damon killed her in season one he had his humanity still on a dimmer switch, so he care very little for her, she was remainder of a period he didn’t wanted to remember, and she was the reason of a lots of resentments between the brothers. So getting rid of her was in his dim switch humanity off set of mind, a good opportunity to get rid of two problems at once, getting the town off their back and get rid of any possible obstacle to get close to Stefan once again, without any interference. Oh boy, Damon in the 70’s with that haircut and the eyeliner is pretty impossible to resist. I have no idea how Ian does it, but can he manage to have chemistry with just about everybody, I've never seen that happening with any other actor. Now the triangle is complete and because of that Silas don’t need to mind control Bonnie, so she know can remember, and go back to be herself. The problem is that Silas can take control of people’s mind making them seem him as familiar people, nobody know how Silas really looks like. So let’s see how things develop, with Silas and with “Thelma and Louise” taking Damon’s car and running away looking for Katherine. You are so going to love the end of the season episodes. By the way, Alaric when he die was an immortal original vampire, remember? He died only because Elena died, drowning under the Wickery bridge, so yes Alaric too is on the other side, being supernatural.


That is right he was an original for a short time.