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Here is the full uncut reaction to the Vampire Diaries season 4, episode 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Jesus Alejo

I've also new to Mega's patreon and making my way thru the videos and yes, 100% agree with you... It is 100% fine and awesome that Mega has his favorites and that he is upfront about his bias towards him because of how much he likes his character... But he isn't blind to the fact that many of the things that he does and his behaviors are not morally good by any means, he is a utter dick for all intents and purposes, it's just that most of Damon's fans just quite simply like that about his character, the chaos and the sass; but in the comments there are always a couple of honorary captains of the "Damon can do no wrong, he is a saint and let's paint Stefan's actions in the worst possible interpretation" squad... That's why I've refrained from commenting, well that and the fact that I'm quite behind, but it is crazy how there a people in the comments making excuses for Damon killing Lexi, Damon abusing Andi, abusing Caroline, literally on the video for 2x01 the only comments were about "poor Damon" and nothing about Elena, you know, the one that actually got sexually assaulted by Damon and then had to watch him kill Jeremy... It's crazy out here; but I'm quite certain that I will continue to enjoy Mega's reactions, because like I said, unlike others, he can fully enjoy Damon's antics and the good and the bad without ever going so far as to excuse or justify every one of his actions... He is just hella entertaining


What a watershed episode. The entire scene in the library is so incredibly revealing of so many things. In terms of knowledge now Elena knows that Caroline “the gossiper” that can be trusted with anything that is personal. She asked her specifically not to tell anything to Stefan, first of all because with whom Elena sleeps with his nobody business but hers, second of all, it was cruel to Stefan to tell him the degree of their intimacy, third hearing something so private not from the direct people involved, that would have never enter into those details, it is always inappropriate, come across wrong and create unnecessary acrimony, resentment and misunderstanding. As I said before Stefan is not a good listener, his pride is stronger than any logic. He is hurting but not graciously. Him wanting to erase the entire relationship with Elena hasn’t been asked to avoid pain, but to get back to Elena, to tell her in the most hurtful way he could think of in that moment, that she and what they had, now means nothing to him, and therefore can be easily erase without any regret or second thoughts. He is just being petty. As well he doesn’t hate Damon, but he just had to say it out loud to vent his feelings of hurt and anger. Let say that Stefan is not gracious in the entire situation, but very much a sore loser that doesn’t want to accept that him and Elena breaking up is not due to Damon using tricks to entice poor easy dumb manipulated Elena, but very much due to him not to be compatible to what Elena wants and due to the fact that Elena growing up, has over time realise that Stefan is not that perfect as he claims to be and their relationship ending is very much also due to the accumulations of actions that Stefan did, starting with leaving her to save his brother, a very good thing to do, still, he left her; all the pushing away he did during that period, all she discovered about him he didn’t told her; when he came back in town, he could have come back to her, instead he chose revenge over her; his not caring behaviour towards Jeremy being in danger due to him steeling Klaus’ coffins; Wickery bridge; and him actually being the one causing her to become a vampire in the first place, keeping things from her etc. During all this time Damon was always there for her, showed her selfless love, trying genuinely to patch up every ruff situation she had with Stefan. He never, bad mouthed his brother, never, not even at the beginning, never lied to her, never kept things from her, never judged her, always kept her and their friends alive even at the cost of being hated for it. All of this has being simmered on Elena’s mind, over the time, she has evaluate the behaviour of both brothers, since that night Damon snapped Jeremy’s neck and Elena expressed hate towards Damon and how hard Damon worked to be forgiven, by everybody. Work that Stefan never did, he was simply forgiven. As Katherine said in that same episode “Hate is the beginning of a love story not the end” and that was really the beginning of Damon and Elena journey, separately but both going in the same direction of self awareness and growth, journeys that Elena acknowledged. That is Elena’s love for Damon it didn’t happen overnight, it didn’t happen because she turn into a vampire, it didn’t happen because Stefan pushed her away. It happen because by growing up over time she got aware of what she values the most in life, which is trust, honesty, reliability, but most of all being challenged because she knows she doesn’t always knows best, even if she act like she does, and the fact that Damon stands up to her when he thinks she is wrong at the point of putting herself in danger gain a lots of respect from her. Stefan doesn’t, he just blindly does what she wants and his motivations are self-centred, he does that to maintain the status quo, not to rock the boat, not to lose esteem, again to react to his experience to Katherine not giving him chose, not for Elena’s sake but because of his own issues and needs. She wants someone that is equal to her, a real partner, someone she can trust, someone that treats her like a woman, not like a little girl. She wants a man, not a yes man; and she wants Passion with the capital letter, she dumped Matt because their relationship wasn’t passionate; Stefan was more passionate, but not at the level she feels for Damon. She doesn’t want to feel a doll, a toy that needs to be told how she should be, act, behave, what and who she should like or not and why, even the entire process of learning to feed had made her thinking hard about who of the two brother she can rely on, and tell anything without feeling judged. That is the picture of Elena’s love for Damon, it was meant to be, because who she is, who he is, and how they fit into each other being who they are as adults. Stefan doesn’t fit, probably never did, but Elena had to grow up and establish herself as a person to realise that. The writing of TVD is so astonishingly realistic and insightful into human nature and emotions. And that is why Stefan, Elena and Damon are not a love triangle, because it is a journey of self-cognition, of growing up, of why finding true love requires self awareness. Elena is there, Damon almost, Stefan isn’t at all, because even after hearing, what the witch said, after hearing Elena telling him to let go, or her compelled to tell the truth tell him that she loves Damon and not him anymore, he still believes that if she become human again, they could still be an item. He is painfully not self-aware and in denial, big time, blaming Elena for everything. And sweet Damon looking at the sky, like his prayer have been answered, after hearing for the first time in his long life that the woman he loves so profundly, loves him back. So touching.


Got home from an amazing weekend that I spent with some of my absolute favourite fellow Joseph Morgan fans to find a brand new tvd reaction. What a way to end the day :) I am completely shattered so I won't write much- but as always: Great reaction! See you on the next one! btw the quality of your microphone is good :)


Tyler wasn't in pain from turning, he was in pain because he was resisting and trying not to turn. Trying to stop himself from turning is a lot more painful because he's fighting what is natural. I hope that makes sense!

Malu x

hello )) i'm new here, couldn't resist myself from spending money on patreon after watching your videos on youtube. your enthusiasm for the show makes me even more excited to watch this show again with you. this is my first ever show and the love i have for it even after years is ridiculous. i'm binging right now and i was gonna comment after i completely caught up but i decided to do it on this video cause the comment section, especially "one" made me laugh a lot. you've got hardcore Delena fans and Damon biases on your hands lol. i know you also like Damon and that's totally fine, everyone's got preferences and i'm a stickler for respect and respecting people's opinions, so the issue is not this one obviously. being biased is one thing but being biased with zero objectivity is another. all i see in these comments is people making Damon out to be a god and Stefan slander lmao, i'm having a blast reading everything. just on last video someone was saying how "psychological" TVD is and then proceeded to write everything wrong. calling Stefan a sore loser while we all know heartbreak makes us say and do everything hot headed and plus everyone tried doing stuff behind his back without so much as a simple communication? damn, how intelligent. his girlfriend literally slept with his brother a day after the break up, as unethically as she could and proceeded to stay the night in her ex's house while she's got best friends with houses? shameless me thinks. but of course we still vlame the victim and for what? i see a lot of double standards too slandering Stefan for stuff and smiling about Damon's. and this is coming from a person that loves being objective and doesn't have a bias. i would defend Damon the same way if his character needed to. after watching this show unhealthy amount of times i decided i'm here for brothers and brothers only (and for Klaus lmao) so basically what i wanted to say is that people having biases and preferences is fine, reading everyone's comment is excellent of you as well but i really hope you keep a clear, objective mind when it comes to characters and relationships cause this show is about more than just stupid triangle which is not even fair and square lmao. thank you for such amazing, enthusiastic reactions, i'm very excitedly looking for more, i hope i'll catch up soon!!


I am so bias when it comes to Damon. 😆 i freely admit It. Though I like Stefan far more now than I did in earlier season. In the end you are right about it really being about brothers. I think that is the best part of the show.

Malu x

Exactly. and imma say it again, never anything wrong with having biases. just one simple advice from a hardcore TVD lover who also really enjoys your reactions, you've got a long road ahead of you when it comes to this show, whole 4 seasons to go, analyse objectively, don't let "Delena Stelena's" and choosing sides not let you see how much more this whole thing is about. and one thing the TVD fandom is known for? making people choose sides and just slander one brother for another, vice versa too obviously, while it's a fact (that you already know too) that this is about brother's bond period. i'm done bothering you, sorry lol. i always feel like i'm bothering people with long ass opinions haha