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Here is the full uncut reaction. Person of Interest Season 5, Episode 10, I had some audio issues with my microphone. I will be trying to figure them out before my next reaction. Hopefully it is not to bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





TBF first time I watched the show I was surprised at the kiss at 4x11, but as soon as I had done a second rewatch of the show I felt a bit silly because it's obvious they had chemistry and there are many moments where Shaw displays affection or even flirtiness with Root (although subtly, after all she's a sociopath, her emotions are "turned down").


I have a lot mixed feeling on season 5, even though I like a lot of episodes I don't think the writing is on par with the earlier seasons. But you have to also realize they did not know for certain they were getting canceled, so they had to walk the line with planning for both. I don't think they planned on killing Elias at the end of season 4 they showed him still breathing at the end, and maybe they thought they would use him more in S5 but ended up not. The Root and Shaw dynamic did not bother me, yes, they were probably playing to the fans but also Shaw has really not been that different, the relationship on the surface is still kind of one sided but they are trying to show that Shaw dose care for her, also Root has been hitting on Shaw since S2.


I agree about Elias. When they got the notice s5 would only be 13 episodes, I think they saw the cancelation writing on the wall (but they did attempt to shop the show around) and did some fan service. Bringing Elias back seemed like "why not its the end", combined with the fact it filled out a little Sarah Shahi still needing a lighter schedule due to giving birth to twins. Roots always worshipped the machine in a God way, so being the voice of the machine is probably what she'd want. This was the 100th episode and they wanted to go big. But I thought Reese and Fusco should have gotten more screen time because like Finch, they've been here since episode one. In the next 3 episodes I do really think they stick the landing.

Felix Huang

The Day The Root Went Away.

Fredrik IB

I actually agree with you about most of this episode. I think Root and Shaw could have been great if they had the right kind of build-up to this point, but I am guessing that Sarah Shahi's pregnancy made it difficult for the writers to get to where they wanted their relationship to go. It's like they skipped several stops on the way to the final stop. That said, Harold's monologue near the end is one of the most epic and chilling moments for me in television history. It's an Emmy-worthy performance by Michael Emerson. I could rewatch it for hours and it would still give me chills.

Audra Foxgrove

I will never understand why so many men insist there was no build up to Root and Shaw. Are they really that bad at noticing chemistry, or do they just not know any queer women? I and every other queer woman I know are baffled at how anyone could miss it.


I def noticed Roots interest and as far as Shaw I seen nothing more than a possible sexual attraction for a good time but nothing more from Shaw.