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Here is the full uncut reaction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Heart and Souls- Thank you very much for watching this beautiful movie for me, Clint! I am so happy that you enjoyed this movie. I know this isn't a fantastic movie, but it's a really good movie, with a very heartfelt and emotional story. I absolutely love this movie. It is my favorite movie for Robert Downey Jr. He is absolutely phenomenal throughout this movie, because I can see exactly which of the four souls he's acting as under their possession at any given time throughout this movie. And this is saying something. His acting skills are top notch! As much as I love him as Tony Stark in the Avengers and Iron Man movies, I love him all the more in Heart and Souls. His acting within this movie is absolutely phenomenal! :) This movie is so different than any of his other roles. And he's just so good in it. I love Thomas and I love how much he grows throughout this movie thanks to Julia, Harrison, Milo, and Penny, as well as his girlfriend Anne too, of course. I just absolutely love his character. He's funny, sweet, adorable, and Robert Downey Jr. is so talented in this role. I also love each of the souls... Julia (Kyra Sedgewick), Penny (Alfre Woodard), Harrison (Charles Grodon), and Milo (Tom Sizemore) too. I love the humor they bring, the messages of love and of finding the strength to work through our regrets so we can live our best lives, and just the love each soul shows for Thomas. So beautiful. Also, in case you don't remember this... Robert Downey Jr. has actually worked briefly with Alfre Woodard (Penny) in a second movie, when she makes a brief appearance in Captain America: Civil War as the grieving mother who accuses Tony of murdering her son after he's killed in Sokovia in the beginning of the movie. Robert and Alfre had a fond friendship with one another while filming Heart and Souls together, and it's nice to see them appear together again, even though their roles within this second movie are very different, and not quite so lovable. Nonetheless... The storyline here in Heart and Souls is absolutely beautiful and the messages behind it are touching. I love seeing each of these souls resolve their lives with Thomas' help. Seeing Milo steal back the stamps to bring them back to the boy now grown up. Seeing Penny find her son grown up and happy with his own family, as well as to help him to find his sisters, then getting to hug Billy one last time to assure him she loves him. Seeing Harrison fulfill his dream to sing in front of others so they can assure him that he's good when he sings the National Anthem at the B.B. King concert, and having everyone clap and cheer for him. And then in the end, sadly Julia can't resolve her own life by letting her love know she always did love him and that she wanted to be with him on account of him having died seven years prior. At first... I was so sad that she couldn't fix things, but then I came to love that her life to resolve wasn't her own, but Thomas' life and I just love it. I love how she helps him understand just how much he needs to tell Anne how much he loves her, when she failed to do so for her fiancé. Because Thomas was making the same mistake with Anne. And then we have their hug... So beautiful. I love that God grants Julia one final chance to hug Thomas at the bus driver's behest, in spite being her just a soul. I always cry so hard throughout the ending of this movie. And lastly... I love the ending with seeing Thomas show Anne how much he loves her and hearing him tell her how much he needs her. I love how he tells her he had loved these four people once before in his life until they went away, and that it broke him so he could allow himself to feel that way any longer until the end of this movie. However, he finds the courage to tell her how much he truly does love her, and this moment is absolutely beautiful. Beautiful. :) Thank you again, Clint! I am grateful you watched it for me. Stay healthy, and be happy. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

As for some other fantastic movies with Robert Downey Jr. that I really love and/or enjoy, either from his early acting days and from his later acting days outside of his role as Tony Stark... 1) The Judge from 2014 (Another of my favorite movies with Robert Downey Jr.) 2) Sherlock Holmes from 2009, and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows from 2011 3) U.S. Marshals from 1998 4) Only You from 1994 5) Chaplin from 1992 6) Air America from 1990 I would love to request some of these movies for you to enjoy down the road since you're interested in seeing some more of his movies. I think you would enjoy each of these. Just let me know which of these movies are of interest to you, my friend. :) Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi