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Here is the full uncut reaction. B5 Episode 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




awagenk (Fran)

I'm a fan of Sheridan's "apology". It's a shame he couldn't say it in Londos face. "All right. That's fine. That's fine. Nobody likes him." 🤣 You're so right. The Keffer problem is solved. The best things in season 2: episode 1 we got the answer why the Minbari surrender and episode 22 we finally saw Kosh.


Stamping on speech to control the population isn't just fascistic, it's also communistic. It's wholly authoritarian no matter what "side" it's from. What's really cool is that the method Night Watch seems to be using is a hybrid of both left and right wing authoritarianism. JMS really knows his history and evident from his writing you already see that he knows how to write people like real people :)


I LOVE that you've been picking up stuff almost by accident because you're a fan of science fiction and you read. You predicted Jack the Ripper and Vorlons looking like "Space Angels". VERY interesting watching you watch this going forward more than ever :)

Benno Witter

For the next 2 seasons, every single episode will have been written by JMS, as were the last 5 episodes. That means we are now deep within the main story. You can expect great things to come. I can see your point that this is a binge watching show. When I watched it on TV back in the days, I thought there wasn't anything coming after season 3, but one day, much later, I discovered that one of the premium channels that I had subscribed to was showing season 4 of Babylon 5 all at once. Naturally, I watched the entire season in one sitting, since I already knew how awesome the show was and since I was so excited to have stumbled onto that B5 night they were doing. There was barely enough time for a bathroom break in between episodes. And that was before on-demand streaming and binge watching were a thing. I think it ran for 14 hours straight. I enjoyed every single minute of it.


History is indeed repeating itself. And poor Zack fell asleep during history class, so he didn't see it coming. He just thought he was earning some extra money by wearing the Night Watch armband. Ivanova saw it coming, though, as she pointed out to Mr. Welles. And history continues to repeat itself with Lantz. He's basically Neville Chamberlain in this episode. But Sheridan saw what was coming, and even confronted Londo about it at the start of the episode.

Texas Anla'Shok

Keffer is not a JMS character, he came from the network who wanted a fighter jock type character. JMS hates these kinds of characters so he decided right off the bat to kill him off. Props for working it into the story like that. If you didn’t notice, Welles is Neroon without the makeup. I REALLY hope that girl got shipped home on a slow freighter. Really she should be drummed out for violating the chain of command like that, but Nightwatch probably would protect her, but Sheridan should at least be able to kick her off station, assuming he can find out who talked.

Ben Levitin

Ya that ending with the shop being closed is scary stuff even more so as we just got the real life ministry of truth!

M Bennett

it would be wonderful if you could give a season 2 review....


I did have one new thought this time around. What creates the gravity on the tran itself that Sheridan jumps out of before it blows up? I just realize that since it's in the middle of the station, the weightless area, shouldn't there not be gravity on there? Maybe I'm way off with my thoughts, but it's something that just crossed my mind.


In the pilot movie they did show them weightless in harnesses in the shuttle, then decided it was a bit impractical when they went to series.


That is listed as a low gravity area "Please hold onto the Handrails". In Season 1, the tram had over the shoulder restraints like a roller coaster.


I said it was both... I even said authoritarians are the same on both sides.