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Here is the full uncut reaction. B5 Episode 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Nathan Cline

Soon as I saw the scene begin with Delenn and Kosh before the opening credits, I was like, Ooohhhh. This Episode. This will be a ride for Mega!

awagenk (Fran)

I like this episode with every re-run more. 😊

M Bennett

Riveting dialog, well-developed characters, no CGI or fancy sets ..... great acting, lighting, directing, and such, such good writing. Boxleitner's acting is understated, unforced - he gets overshadowed by others in terms of chewing scenery, but he is consistent, reliable and under-rated.

Texas Anla'Shok

You nailed it Alright. Crazy when wild guesses hit it right on the head. Wayne Alexander is another of those actors B5 keeps bringing back under various alien makeup. You should be able to recognize his voice, I think.


This episode made me see Kosh as a chess Grandmaster. He wanted to test both Delenn and Sheridan. With Delenn, he knew he just had to inform her of the Inquisitor and she would agree. She seemed aware of the existence of inquisitors used by the Vorlons. But he had to basically manipulate Sheridan into participating since he knew Sheridan would question the test. When Sebastian says, "And now the final player in a little drama arrives at last," I remember thinking that it wasn't just about Delenn from the start. It was about Delenn and Sheridan as a team.


Well that was fun. I was wondering for nearly the whole episode if that was a genuine guess played off as an unsure quip. I had exactly the same thought, but I was about 70ish % sure I was right that's how they were going to play it. I wasn't sure if they'd just leave it as unclear in the end. A tad ambiguous for those whom know the lore and conspiracy theories. As obviously 'Jack's' identity was never known at the time of production. Scientists later think they have confirmed his identity. A prime suspect at the time, which they think has been confirmed by forensic evidence. Someone who perhaps doesn't fit this traditional portrayal now. That obviously doesn't take anything away from the story and it is still a great episode.