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Fredrik IB

This is a phenomenal episode and i'm so glad you loved it! Top 5 so far for sure. Fantastic reaction as always to this Die Hard homage of an episode :) I love Michael Rooker in this too. He played his role to perfection. Sarah certainly will do what's necessary to protect Chuck. I mean, she gave him her word that she wouldn't let anyone hurt him. She's just doing what she's supposed to, but obviously Chuck is far too pure for this kind of world. Your comments after the episode are spot on. I like that you can see that Sarah clearly struggles with what she did. When she re-enters the store after killing him you can see she has to pace herself and "put" her face on to be happy, It's probably one of the darker things to happen in this show till now. I love the Silent Night that plays so fittingly during that scene where she shoots him. There were a lot of other good things in this episode too, but you are completely right. What starts as a fun, mediocre episode, turns into a fan-freaking-tastic episode with these twists and turns. I do greatly appreciate how Captain Awesome listens to Chuck when he asks him to "not be awesome". There is mutual respect there, and I love it. Ahh, much like you I could go on and on. Anyway, awesome reaction, Mega. Please take care and I can't wait for more!