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"Beta", the first beginnings of Samaritan. The interface for Samaritan must be my favorite visual in any fiction I've watched until now (except maybe some extremely well animated scenes in certain animes, but then again it's more about technical beauty here rather than the meaning behind the visual). It's utterly amazing to me how they made The Machine's interface so organic and Samaritan's interface so cold, menacing and truely robot-like. The Machine is white among dark, has a lot of rounder forms and shapes. The camera feeds are organized seemingly randomly in a very organic manner, and her sounds are a mix of computer noises and voices. Samaritan's interface is dark among white, with blood red accents. It's a lot more angular and organized, with the feeds on a sort of "grid". The noises hit with that deeply electronic noises, but these noises even have such a cold and threatening feel to them. A lot of deep bass to make it feel like an unstoppable force. Truely a wonder these two interfaces, and the arrival of Samaritan helps to appreciate the Machine's interface even more thanks to the many differences between them. Person of Interest might not have the most flashy visuals cause it's quite rooted in reality, it's not some block-buster fantasy show like GoT or a pure sci-fi space odyssey, but at least it's got the Machine and Samaritan's interface. And what masterpieces these visuals are, both visually but also a LOT of story-telling and foreshadowing.