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Olivia knew what Walter did but going back to the place, experiencing what the drugs do first hand and coming to terms with it is a lot more powerful than just knowing what he did.


I look forward to a moment when something will surprise you again. It's going to be all the sweeter when it happens. Like me, you were fully point with the beats of this episode. But I would say there is a significant difference in knowing something is true and experiencing it, or in Olivia's case reexperiencing it for yourself. I wouldn't say Olivia is being holier than thou necessarily. She is perhaps being brought back face to face with stuff she has blocked out. She also is advocating for the other children too. Plus she channels that fear into anger. I think Walter is a fair direction to throw most of it in this instance. I love to advocate for Walter as well. But it's also possible to simultaneously accept the things he has done are pretty barbaric and be conflicted over it. Even if all his motives and actions are both still not fully clear to us at this point. When asking ourselves why Walter is different now. We only have to go back to the episode Grey Matters, for part of the Explanation. The next episode might be good for my first statement. 🤞🏻