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I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the holidays.

I am going to be filming and posting a ton of videos this week to make up for being sick and the hectic holidays.

Thank you all for the continued support and I hope 2022 is our best year yet. 



Good to hear that you are feeling better and I trust you and the family had a nice Christmas.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

You in no way ought to feel obligated to make up any reactions for us, Clint. WIth you being sick and with it having been Christmas this week... we understand that you weren't able to get out as many reactions as you might have liked. Of course! I hope you needn't ever feel so obligated. I am so grateful to you for all you do for us, so please don't ever feel like you never do enough. You're doing fabulously, dear friend! And I am excited for all reactions for my favorite shows and movies to come!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Ghost Mom

Happy Holidays! Hope you had a good one!

Jorgen Karlsson

Happy holidays! Glad you're feeling better. Don't worry to much about late reactions. The holiday season is a time to be with family and enjoy yourself!

Fredrik IB

Merry christmas and happy holidays, Mega. Don't stress it, even though i'm sure everyone appreciates your efforts. WIth Chuck seemingly on the roster and PoI juicing up I don't see how 2022 couldn't become the best year yet! Can't wait for it all :)