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May the 4th be with you.




Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story- Thank you so much for a great reaction for this movie! I know you didn't really care as much about it, or its characters. However, I really love this movie, and I am happy that you at least enjoyed this movie a little bit. Does it have its flaws? Of course it does. Just like any other movie. And I agree with you in regards to some of the points you made in both your commentary and in your comments both before and after this movie finished. For me... I love that this movie was created so that we can see just how it is Leia comes to have the plans for the Death Star, like we see that she does in the very beginning of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. And I love that this movie introduces us to a new group of Rebels within the Alliance who are all striving to find any information about the Empire that will help them to prevent the Empire's deadly plans. And in so doing, one of the Intelligence officers discovers that the Empire has built the Death Star, known only to them at the time as a "planet killer", and unfortunately, the Empire has completed it. Now... they need to find someone they received word had helped to build the Death Star. I absolutely love the overall storylines, especially in regards to the Rebels and how they enlist Jyn Erso to help them find her father, the lead designer and builder of the Death Star, forced to do so against his will. I really love that Galen Erso creates a trap within the Death Star, allowing for the Alliance to destroy it like we see Luke succeed in doing in A New Hope. Most of all, I love how the a small group within the Alliance go against word of the Council when they refuse to rise against the Empire out of fear, as this band that comes to be known as Rogue One invades the Imperial base where the plans for the Death Star are hidden. Unfortunately and tragically... each member of Rogue One dies, including each of our main characters who sacrifice everything for the Alliance so they could cripple the Empire. And they succeed. I absolutely love it! I know most Star Wars fans don't connect much at all, if at all, with these characters. I think they're okay and there are some I do like above the others, but I still feel for them, and admire their bravery for fighting against even their own side to do what's right. And let's be real... were it not for them, the events seen in A New Hope never would have been possible. As for the new and main characters... I enjoy Jyn, Chirrut, Baze, and Bodhi. And I enjoy a number of all the other new characters created for this movie. However, my overall favorite of the new characters are absolutely Cassian Andor, the intelligence officer who brings the Alliance news of the "planet killer" and who fights alongside Jyn and K-2S0 to steal the plans, as well as K-2S0. I love what little we learn about why Cassian is a fighter within the Alliance, as he reveals to Jyn he has been with the Rebels in this fight since he was six years old, after he lost everything. I wish we learned more about him, and how he came to work with K-2S0. And I love actor... Diego Luna as well. By the way... Diego Luna is actually from Mexico, not France. I have seen him in a number of movies and he's a fantastic, brilliant actor in a number of movies I've seen him in. For the most part, Jyn of course is also amazing, as the daughter of Galen Erso and Rebel after the death of her father. I love her determination to avenge her father and to complete the mission he had set out to do for him. In regards to Cassian's and Jyn's relationship... they never were romantically involved, mostly because they never had the chance to grow that much closer than they had before they were both killed. However, Cassian and Jyn most definitely came to feel a very deep respect for one another and grew close in such a short amount of time. I would have loved to see them survive, if only just so we could have had the chance to see their relationship/friendship evolve. But with that being said, their deaths were heartbreaking and beautiful. I love their final moments when Cassian comes back to save Jyn in spite of being severely injured a short time earlier when he shoots Director Krennic before he can kill her. I love the brief moment between them as they look into each other's eyes, and I love as Cassian reaches out to take Jyn's hand as the blast from the Death Star is approaching them, as Cassian tells Jyn that her father would be proud of her. Such a beautiful and heartbreaking moment. As for the appearances from the characters we've loved since the original Star Wars movies... I was pleasantly surprised that we saw so many. And sadly, a number of the actors who played some of them have passed away since the original movies. Princess Leia makes a very brief appearance in the very end as Carrie Fisher offers her voice for a single line and word... "Hope". Sadly, Carrie Fisher died the very year this movie was released in theaters, the night after Christmas. I also love that through CGI, we were able to see Leia just as she was back in 1977. Another character from A New Hope we see here in Rogue One, whose actor also passed away long ago, is Governor Tarkin played by Peter Cushing. Tarkin worked alongside Darth Vader in A New hope and was directly under the Emperor's command, in charge of finishing the work on the Death Star. Tarkin was killed when the Death Star was destroyed. As for Tarkin being in Rogue One... He was all done through CGI and voiced by a different actor who was able to mimic Peter Cushing's voice, given that Cushing had died not long after the original Star Wars back in 1977. His CG-I wasn't the greatest, but I still enjoyed his overall character and seeing him brought back for this movie... given that he was a major player in the building of the Death Star. SO I appreciate that. We also get to see a brief cameo appearance from both R2-D2 and C3-P0, which I love. And I absolutely love that Leia's adopted father, Senator Bail Organa from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, was brought back for this movie as well, as he is a member of the Alliance Council. But what I love most of all is the brief scene between him and Mon Mothma, the Council's leader, as they talk about enlisting Obi Wan Kenobi for their battle ahead, and knowing the one person he absolutely trusts to seek Obi Wan out... his own daughter, Leia. And last but not least... Darth Vader himself. I absolutely love seeing him brought back for this movie. I especially love the moment when he steps onto the Alliance ship during the major space battle, then completely wipes out the soldiers in order to try to get back the plans before the Alliance can use them to destroy all of the Empire's hard work. This scene was amazing and dark. I love it, while my stomach twists in knots as Vader kills all of these good men. It's tragic, and just an amazing scene. I also love getting to see the lava planet where Vader resides on... Mustafar. Overall... I absolutely love this movie and its incredible characters. I am so happy that you enjoyed this movie as well, and even more grateful to you for your reaction for it. So thank you, Clint! You're amazing, my friend! Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

If I were to rank all Star Wars movies from my favorite to my least favorites... First and foremost... I love all three movies within the original trilogy pretty much equally. I think they're all phenomenal, and such good stories. They are my favorites out of all elven Star Wars movies. So... 1) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 2) Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 3) Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi 4) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 5) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 6) Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 7) Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens 8) Solo: A Star Wars Story 9) Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 10) Star wars Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker 11) Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi These last two movies within the sequel trilogy are entertaining for the most part, and I enjoy a few of the characters and their stories overall. However, I think they are definitely the worst among all eleven movies. Definitely still worth watching at least once. Should you decide to watch these final two movies you haven't seen yet and create reactions for them, I would definitely be happy to watch them with you. :) Thank you so much again, dear friend! Sincerely, Heidi