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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much, Mega! This is a great reaction for one of my favorite movies within the Harry Potter universe. I really love this movie, along with the next movie in the series... Harry Potter: And the Goblet of Fire. These are my favorite movies of the eight. All are really fantastic and a lot of fun, but these two for me... most certainly stand out above the rest. Now... Sadly, the actor who plays Dumbledore in the first two movies... Richard Harris... died after the second movie was released. He was a brilliant actor for many years and one who will be sorely missed. I love him as an actor... as Dumbledore and in a number of other movies... including The Count of Monte Cristo too. You might recognize him as Priest, who teaches Edmond how to fight, read, write, etc... within the Chateau d'If where they were both imprisoned. In this movie and moving forward, Dumbledore is played by actor, Michael Gambon, who is also really good in this role, but at least for me, he takes some getting used to because he plays Dumbledore quite differently from how Richard Harris did. Particularly in his mannerisms and in how he moves. Michael Gambon is much more charismatic. It's not a bad thing. Just different. In all honesty... I prefer Richard Harris to Michael Gambon, but both actors play Dumbledore well in their own ways. I'm curious to know what you think of them both, and to see what differences in them you might have noticed, Clint. Also... I really love both Professor Lupin, played by actor, David Thewlis, and Sirius Black who you immediately recognized to be played by Gary Oldman. I really love both actors, and I love these new characters introduced to us in this movie. I especially really love Lupin, particularly for how good and kind he is towards Harry as he works hard to teach him to become more powerful in magic, and how he talks with him about his parents. I love that both Lupin and Sirius talk to Harry about seeing his parents in him. And I love that Lupin is a werewolf, while Sirius is an animagus... or black dog. Brilliant characters. And lastly... I love that this movie adds the time travel elements as well. It's absolutely fantastic, and I love seeing the scenes from earlier on played out again from a different perspective once Hermione and Harry go back in time to save both Sirius and Buckbeak. Overall... this is a marvelous movie, and I really loved watching your reaction for it! I am very excited to see you continue on with these movies, and hopefully the two Fantastic Beasts movies that are a part of the Harry Potter universe as well. So... thank you very much, Clint!! Until your next reaction, for Harry Potter: And the Goblet of Fire... Thank you!! :) Sincerely, Heidi


I really enjoyed this movie! I did not realize the original Dumbledore was "Priest" but now that you mentioned it I can see it. I did realize this movies Dumbledore was different not so much by the look or mannerisms but the voice. The difference in voice really stood out to me. Such a fun movie and to me so much better than the first two.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

This is my favorite and forever will be but I love them all tho, next one is crazy!!!!! ❤️ NOOOO, Harry and Hermione are like siblings 😩😩😩😩 Sirius is on my top 5 HP characters with Hermione, Harry, Snape, an another one that haven’t a appeared yet!!!


I'm so thrilled to discover that you had already started this journey. I joined for Fringe, then I found you had decided to continue 24 as well. Now HP too. Fabulous to see you really enjoy this addition. This was the one when I went from like to really engaged. They just kept continuing to deliver. Eagerly awaiting the next one.