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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

2πR- Another great episode! I love how Finch fights to save Caleb from himself, as we learn he's the mastermind behind the drug deals, but that there's also so much more to him. This kid's story is so sad, and I feel so badly for him. Losing first his brother and blaming himself for his brother's death, then feeling like the lives of everyone he cares about being so much better off if he were to kill himself... it's so tragic. I love that the big twist within this episode comes in the ending, when we eventually learn that Caleb plans to kill himself by jumping in front of the train on the same night at the very age his brother was when he died. I love Finch's drive to help Caleb, even with Reese being trapped in prison with his life on the line. And you can certainly see his worry for Reese. But I love seeing all of his efforts to save Caleb and then how he helps the kid to really understand his full potential. And I love that Finch then gives Caleb his phone number to contact him again, hidden within a string of numbers making up the first three thousand numbers of pi. Fantastic!! I also love Fusco's role throughout this episode, as he works to figure out the mystery behind Caleb. I especially love the moment between him and the transit cop, when Fusco learns the truth about Caleb and his brother's death. A very powerful moment, and one for my favorite moments in this episode. I miss Reese a lot in this episode. While I enjoy the episode a lot, I wish we would have seen more of Reese. And yet at the same time, I understand why he wasn't in this episode much, and applaud the creators and writers of this show for such a decision. It also helps to add to the mystery and thrill of what's to come. This FBI agent isn't backing down. He's determined to get the Man in the Suit, which does not bode well for Reese. Thank you so much, Mega! I appreciate another fantastic reaction to one of my favorite shows. :) Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi