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Jimmy Jones

If you look back at the previous episodes you will spot the Observer. Last episode he was on the train as Olivia was looking around.


Finally, the Observer is revealed. He's everywhere. This is the episode that really got me hooked on this show. After this, I was like Peter, I had to stick around to find out what in the heck was going on. So glad I did. This is a journey. Can't wait for you to get more into it.


Finally, you meet the Observer. A seemingly impervious to cold, mind reading, observing, bald guy. Who is he? Why is he there watching pattern events? Why did he save Walter, why is that important? So many questions for you to ponder on. We have the cillinder what is that? Why is it important? So many questions like you said. Love this episode, Peter made the right decision in staying and now, officially we have our team. I know it has been a slow and seamless introduction but we also have Astrid as part of our team. Now I can officially tell you something amazing, no spoilers don't worry. The observer has been in every episode so far. And will be in the next episodes as well, just watching from afar. Now you can join in the game to spot him in the next episode and the others after that. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VfYpdl19ip4/SrEKdNhaWKI/AAAAAAAAABk/xqJVQ2MdyN4/s1600-h/Pilot.jpg Here is the sighting from the pilot episode. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VfYpdl19ip4/SrEqSW4KnbI/AAAAAAAAABs/RgxFdO2pZJU/s1600-h/Same+Old+Story.jpg Here is the second episode. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VfYpdl19ip4/SrE8qPoTZBI/AAAAAAAAACE/8D1BmpLieX4/s1600-h/The+Ghost+Network.jpg And that's the third. Also the glyph of this episode is OBSERVER. Thank you for another awesome reaction. Looking forward to the next episode.


Another great episode. Some more bread crumbs deposited, the significance of which will be fun to look back on as we get further into the show. Every time I see the scene of Peter being "interrogated" I can't help but wonder if any of his crys of pain are actually real. As I later read that Joshua had to take a trip to the hospital during filming as one of those wires was apparently accidentally inserted to far into his nostril. 🤢