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Busy weekend ahead of me for recording reactions.

Which reaction are you looking forward to the most? 




Lucifer 😍👏

Celia Fox



Person of Interest, Fringe and 24. But if I had to vote lets say Fringe.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so, so, so excited for more Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, Lucifer, and White Collar!! As well as 24 now that you've chosen it to be one of your new shows I am now a bit more interested in re-watching again. I am also hoping we will get some more reactions for Rush soon too! Thank you, my friend! SIncerely, Heidi


Fringe and 24. Didn't realise you were picking up 24 right away as well. I will have to go back and catch ep1 too.

Jimmy Jones

I would definitely watch 4 maybe 5. Thanks for the content. Fringe, then POI, then White Collar, then OUAT and finally if I feel like it Lucifer. Not seen the other shows yet.

Sara Ankersen

really looking forward to white collar :D


Person of Interest, then 24!


Lucifer, always Lucifer 😁