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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Risk- Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction! Like always... I really enjoyed watching your reaction for this episode. I really love this episode a lot. I don't understand anything about the stock numbers and trading, or the fracking. However, not understanding the technical things and numbers doesn't lower my enjoyment for this episode. I still love it nonetheless. I really love Adam's character, as well as his Uncle Bob. And I love the overall storyline throughout the episode and seeing Reese save Adam each time that he does so. I also love how Reese introduces Adam to the homeless lady who helped take care of him while he too was homeless and on the run for four months, which is why I love how Adam later buys the building so that the homeless people living there would be able to continue doing so and that they would be taken care of, as a way of showing them his gratitude for looking after him too. And I love seeing Reese return to the building in the ending to thank the homeless woman for looking after him for those four months he lived there as well, and how he helps to clean up the mess from the short lived attack the night before. You can really see in Reese's eyes how much her helping him had meant to him. And this shows once again just how good of a man Reese truly is. Such a tender and beautiful moment. And I especially love how this woman asks Reese who's looking after him now, to which Reese answers that someone new is, referring to Finch of course. It's really nice seeing Finch listening in on Reese's conversation with the woman, and you can see that he too is touched by Reese's conversation with the woman. And lastly... I absolutely love the surprise revelation that Elias is the one behind the "suicides" and big scheme, and how Scarface looks up into the camera to let Carter and therefore John and Finch know that he and Elias are back in the action. Absolutely brilliant!!! Yep... Elias is back! Thank you again, so much! I can't wait for more Person of Interest!!! Sincerely, Heidi