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The after video discussion was corrupted and I am trying to recover it so it is not in this video. There is also a strange sound distortion in parts of the video. Not sure what caused it but will try to have it figured out before I record again.




Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Super- Thank you so much for another reaction for Person of Interest!!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. It feels different than most other episodes, and it's because of the role reversal between Reese and Finch. I find it pretty fascinating. And there are some good twists and turns, as well as enjoyable and interesting characters. Also... I'm sorry that you had technical difficulties that caused for you to be unable to include your afterthoughts about this episode. I do hope to hear what you think about this episode, either in your YouTube reaction, or in your next episode reaction when you briefly recap this episode. But your reaction as always was still a lot of fun, and I am so happy that you really enjoyed this episode! :) Also... I really love that this episode has a Hitchcock feel because it's similar to his movie, Rear Window. And it is entertaining seeing Reese and Finch work their case through as they keep their eyes on each of the tenants through their cameras and other unconventional means. I love that Reese breaks his sink with a hammer to draw Trask out so that Finch could break into Trask's apartment. And I also love that Reese helps Finch escape from Trask who chased after him, by discovering the security guard's secret about him being the thief breaking into the tenants' apartments for their treasures. And then... we learn that Trask isn't actually the perpetrator like our heroes believe him to be throughout most of the episode, as Reese at last confronts Trask about terrorizing Lilly from one of the other apartments. And I love the big confrontation in the end when the fight ensues shortly afterwards... first between the stalker and Finch, who quickly jams the stalker in his eye like Reese suggests he do to protect himself since Finch refuses to carry a gun, until Trask then arrives to help Finch and Lilly, and finally Reese manages to fight the stalker in spite of being seriously injured after having been shot just the night before. He even manages to throw the stalker out of the window. Brilliant!! And it shows once again just how badass Reese really is, being injured and everything. How the stalker doesn't wind up getting killed upon flying out the window like he does, after Reese really throws him... I really can't say. But it doesn't really matter too much. As far as the side storyline between Carter and Finch goes... I really, really love this storyline too. I love that Finch brings Carter in on a case to help him out with another number, since he and Reese can't do so themselves with Reese still unable to move around so easily. I love it because Finch is trying to see if he can trust Carter, like Reese believes they can in spite of her attempts to arrest him and for nearly getting him killed by those he worked with in the CIA. And I really enjoy the small case, as Carter chooses to trust Finch enough to follow this guy around, until she suddenly stops him from killing the bank manager he wanted to kill for ruining his life in his eyes. Mostly, I love that Finch calls Carter and states, "That... Detective, is what we do." and then hangs up on her. Marvelous!!! As for Snow and the other CIA agents still following Cater to try to find Reese... aside from Snow and maybe his partner who had actually shot Reese in the last episode, they do seem really sloppy for being with the CIA. But then as Carter points out to Snow, this is their intention. Snow wants Carter to know they're following her, by way of threatening her career as well as her life if she doesn't help them find Reese. And lastly... I also find the past storyline between Finch and his parter, Nathan Ingram as they're working with the Machine, really fascinating. I love seeing their interactions with the two others who know of the Machine, when Finch and Nathan are confronted by those whom they've sold the Machine to. Very intriguing. And then in the very end, we learn that the Machine comes to see Nathan as a possible threat against it when it overhears Nathan becoming worried about it having so much power. Very interesting indeed. Oh... and in regards to Reese's comment to Finch about there being no Machine and that it's all him... Reese says this simply to tease Finch only. He isn't being serious. It's kind of his way of calling Finch something of an android, or super intelligent robot that has all of this power inside his head. Overall... I really love this episode too. It's another of my favorites from this season. I like Trask's character, and I love the role reversals between Reese and Finch. I like their overall mission to save not only Trask, but also Lilly too. Plus... I love the reveal that all of Trask's wild stories about who he used to be all turn out to be very true when we learn that he is someone hiding in the Witness Protection program from the Cuban Mafia upon testifying against them. And the backstory about Finch and Nathan is really fascinating too. Thank you again, Mega! I'm happy you enjoyed this episode and that you're continuing to love this show more and more with every episode. You're amazing like always! Until next time, my friend... Sincerely, Heidi