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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

First and foremost... I wish to thank you so much for your kind words when you talk about how you trust my advice about what to watch and the order of these episodes for Lucifer in which to watch them in. Your kindness truly means the world to me. And especially with Thanksgiving coming up this week, I want you to know how truly grateful I am to you for all of these wonderful and entertaining reactions you've created for us, and that you will continue to create for us. For me. So, thank you so very much, dear friend!!! You're truly amazing! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Boo Normal- Yay!! I really love this episode!! I have to say that while most of this episode is about as strong as most of the episodes that to me are somewhere in the middle throughout this show as far as likeability goes... the ending from the moment Lucifer recognizes Ella's words are the same words often spoken by his sister and onward... this ending raises this episode up for me as one of my favorite episodes throughout all of season three. The ending between Lucifer and Azrael, or Rae Rae as she prefers to be called is a beautiful twist that I didn't expect, but absolutely love! And these ending scenes between Lucifer and Azrael, as well as between Lucifer and Ella too... are my absolute favorite scenes throughout the entire episode. :) First... I love how Ella says "Smell you later" to Lucifer just like Rae Rae had said to her when she said goodbye before leaving her friend alone again, and then seeing the recognition of the words in Lucifer's eyes when he turns around to ask Ella about why she used these particular words. I agree with you that it was a bit strange that this episode introduces us to the possibility of a ghost being a new character, or even just as a one time character for a single episode. And it's a bit strange that this episode also shows us the possibility that Ella might be crazy. We know she's a bit eccentric and super perky, but I've never thought of her as crazy. And to be honest, I wasn't really sure if I would have liked it if Rae Rae would have turned out to be a ghost or just her imaginary friend. Even after we learn more about the trauma she's suffered since her childhood upon being in such a bad accident. But then we learn that Rae Rae is really an angel... and I immediately came to love this storyline for Ella ten time smore than I did throughout the rest of this episode. Because an angel revealing herself only to Ella and Ella being the only one able to see her for now... is amazing, and is such a fantastic storyline for Ella! This storyline also allows for the possibility of a future episode where Lucifer could reveal the truth about himself truly being the Devil to Ella as well, since he could use Rae Rae as a way of easing Ella into the truth and of assuring her that he would never ever hurt her. And I would actually love it if something like this between Lucifer and Ella happened. Also... if you think back to the Vegas episode earlier this season, when Lucifer and Ella come to Las Vegas on Chloe's birthday to help Candy upon learning she is in trouble, Ella somewhat opens up to Lucifer about her coping mechanisms to help quiet the voices in her head, until she quickly stops herself from explaining further in spite of Lucifer's attempt to encourage her to do so. I remember you mentioning in your reaction for this episode that you would be interested to learn more about these voices Ella had been talking about. Well... this episode finally answers these questions. Ella reveals in this episode that she has struggled with seeing what she believed to be her imaginary friend at first, until Rae Rae later tells her she's actually a ghost since she's never gone away after Ella became older. Unfortunately, this only causes more problems for Ella once she explains she had told her family about her ghost friend, and that they never understood her, making her feel like she was crazy and forced medications on her. I really love this overall storyline for Ella throughout this episode as she opens up to Rae Rae and especially to Chloe about her past troubles. Which leads me to the first of my favorite scenes... when Ella finally reveals to Chloe why she's been acting so jumpy and nervous during their investigation. I love how Ella's worried about Chloe's reaction to her craziness, and yet how Chloe is so kind and understanding. And how Chloe tells Ella how happy she is to learn that Ella will be staying in Los Angeles, after worrying about her leaving to return home at the behest of her brothers. Chloe's words to Ella in this scene and before at the precinct are just beautiful and so sweet. We really don't get too many scenes between Chloe and Ella throughout this show without them being about one of their investigations. But I really love their friendship. And then... my absolute favorite scene throughout this episode like I mentioned above, comes in the ending upon Lucifer recognizing the name of Ella's friend when she calls her Rae Rae, and then Lucifer arrives at home and calls out for someone to show themselves upon sensing someone's there. However, instead of calling her Rae Rae, he calls her by her true name... Azrael, revealing that Rae Rae is actually the Angel of Death, and Lucifer's younger sister. I absolutely love it!!! I love their entire conversation about Ella and how Lucifer shares how Ella makes everyone feel better about themselves which is why he feels so drawn to her because she helps him to feel better about himself when he struggles so deeply to do so. But most of all... I absolutely love how Lucifer talks with Azrael about how he felt to be just as abandoned by her as he did by all of his siblings, in spite of him and Azrael being very close once. I love how she then apologizes to him for failing to defend him when he had been cast out of Heaven in punishment for his rebellion, and how she felt lost and sad that she could no longer talk with her favorite brother. I love learning how Lucifer used to just sit and listen to Azrael talk on and on about very mundane things and about her days, much like Lucifer often does with Ella too, such as like the very ending we see between Lucifer and Ella, which I will come back to momentarily... I just really love seeing a different kind of relationship between Lucifer and another of his siblings we haven't met before. I love learning about Azrael and how she is the Angel of Death, who struggles from day to day after only being able to talk with the humans who have died as she takes them onward to either Heaven or to Hell... wherever their souls are bound for. And I love seeing how Lucifer does just listen to her go on and on, in spite of feeling hurt by her abandonment too. It's also wonderful that Azrael reveals she had been the one to encourage Ella to move out to Los Angeles so that she and Lucifer could meet. Not so that she could use Ella to manipulate him much like Lucifer has felt towards Amenadiel and their father using Chloe to manipulate him, but only so that Azrael's two favorite people could meet and become friends. So they could both have someone to talk to. So that they could simply be together because she cares so much for them both. I can really feel how close they really are and I would absolutely love to see more between Lucifer and Azrael should she ever come back into this show again. I hope she does. And then... my final favorite moment comes in the very ending between Lucifer and Ella, when he walks into Ella's lab at the precinct and just sits down to listen to Ella talk about what she's learned from the random evidence she's been studying. I love how Ella stops herself upon realizing Lucifer might not be interested in listening to her go on and on about the forensics on this particular case, only for him to encourage her to continue talking about whatever she wishes. I absolutely love this. I love seeing more of their friendship, which again... we really don't get a whole lot of throughout the show except for when they're all working together on a particular case. But when we do have these moments, I love them all the more. They're quite beautiful to me. :) Now, in regards to the overall case throughout this episode... I enjoy the case overall, but I agree with you that the case for the most part is the least important aspect from this episode. I really don't care about it, except for the moments where we see Ella shine in trying to help the little boy who tragically witnesses his father kill the therapist, and how this cases allows for Ella to interact with Rae Rae, her ghost guardian angel. I really enjoy Ella's and Azrael's scenes together. They're funny, and Azrael is a lot of fun. I love her perkiness too! I agree with you that this actress, who I too recognize from her role in the final season of House, is not at all someone I would expect to play someone like the Angel of Death. However, I still really love her in this role nonetheless. I think my only pet peeve with Lucifer introducing Azrael, the Angel of Death at last, after she was talked about so much throughout season two thanks to Uriel stealing her celestial blade... it's that Lucifer never talks with his sister about the blade, or asks her why she never came down to Earth seeking to take it back after Uriel had stolen it from her. If I was a writer on this show... I most definitely would have written this previous storyline into this episode as well. Because it's certainly one of my questions I would have for the Angel of Death after everything that happened throughout season two with Azrael's blade. But back to the overall investigation throughout this episode... the Furry convention scenes are kind of fun, and I enjoy the side storyline between Lucifer and Dan as they're struggling to keep hold of the witness, who keeps causing them a lot of problems. It's nice seeing Lucifer's and Dan's friendship again and seeing them interact. And Lucifer teasing Dan about his hate for roller coasters, especially when he puts up the giant poster of Dan on the roller coaster at the precinct... hilarious. And lastly... I really like how Maze joins the episode briefly as she mocks both Lucifer and Dan for allowing the girl to run away from them. So funny. Thank you so much for your reaction for an episode I definitely consider to be one of my favorites from this season, Mega! I really enjoyed watching it very much! Be on the lookout for my thoughts about your next reaction too! Until then, my friend...


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