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Another great reaction to another great episode! First things first (because this was like the main thing) I do think that the reasoning for why Cami chose to turn after being so adamant about not wanting to become a vampire previously is pretty sound and it makes a lot of sense and it doesn't lessen her "willpower". Before, she was scared of changing and becoming someone she couldn't be proud of "I like who I am. I've spent my entire life being this exact version of sane. And if I turn- if I become a vampire- I don't know what I'll be. I don't know who I'll be. (...) It is better I die as somone I'm proud of than live as someone I dispise!". But then she helps Freya and the others to get rid off Tristan- someone who deserves this fate. And as she said to Vincent "I risked my life fighting one of those monsters. It felt good....My uncle was really big into doing the right thing. Wanted to help the people, fix the city. Maybe, if I stuck around I could continue what he did. If I was a vampire I would have the strength to make a difference." She now realises that if she becomes a vampire she has all the necessary "tools" to help the city and "fight the monsters".If you remember, in a previous episode Aurora forces Cami to reveal her "darkest secret" and she tells this story about this absuive guy, who beat his girlfriend. And how she (Cami) smashed a bottle over his head and beat the shit out if him. And how it "felt good". She has always had this dark desire burning inside of her- to punish those who deserve it. So I would have agreed with you- if Cami hadn't had this backstory about this dark desire brewing inside of her and if she hadn't had this moment of realisation, when she helped put Tristan away, "hey I can actually make a difference now. I have the power to change things and do things" If those key elements hadn't been in there, then I would totally agree- it would have been really disappointing for Cami to just change her mind and become a vampire, after being sooo very adamant and passionate about NOT becoming one. But since we got this look inside her heart and mind and saw what's in there and since we got this storyline of her helping the Mikaelson- I feel like this decision makes total sense for her character! And it doesn't take anything away from her willpower because she would have ended her life without hesitation, if she didn't have this epiphany at the end.


Also RIP Jackson. You were a good man. Maybe not that interesting- but you had a good heart and you were a good father and husband. And I do believe he loved Hayley with every fiber of his being. But I still believe that Hayley never loved him. At least not as much as he loved her. I do think she cared about him and that she felt safe and "at home" with him. But I never saw any fire or passion or desire. At least not directed at Jackson. Only ever directed at Elijah...