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Not you saying "love you to death, Cami" in your intro.💀🤣


This show man... It was going so well (apart from some minor-well, let's call them hiccups...) they celebrate christmas together, everyone is having a good time, they even do the bonfire thing and Klaus and Cami are so in love. It's just picture perfect. And then BAM, completely unexpected: Cami is frickin dead! What the hell! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! But okay, let's go over the episode, because a lot happened in this christmas episode. Elijah - Call me Mr. Smooth – Mikaelson appears from the rain, doing this sexy umbrella move and just looking absolutely divine (bro was looking so good in this episode!). Casually snapping necks and ripping hearts out before he undaggers my sweet Rebekah. And she's like „tell me I didn't miss Christmas“ and I'm like „No girl, of course you didn't because without you this christmas episode wouldn't be nearly as special! But I'm sure you'll lay daggered in a coffing again by the end of this episode. So enjoy your 24 hours dagger-free time sis!“ And then they're on the road and she seems quite angry after her pit stop in the filthy gas station bathroom (I feel you girl!) saying stuff like „Do you ever wanted to just rip out his heart and see how lonng it takes for it to grow back?!“ and Elijah is looking really appalled though I would bet my right tit that he's pictured that exact scenario in his head a number of times (Gia who?). Meanwhile Cami and Klaus are off on their own adventure saving poor, compelled Will from a pretty grim fate. And Klaus is saying really deep, poetic shit and Cami looks like she's about to cum right there in Will's poorly decorated living room. And then we have Hayley and Jackson booooring and I'm just gonna skip that cause honestly, who cares?? My beautiful Freya gets jumped by some vampire dudes and I really thought she's gonna kick all of their butts but she seems to have an off day, cause they manage to overpower her (BOOOO!) but Mister Nice Guy Jackson comes to the rescue after he's been angry with Hayley the last couple episodes about her always getting involved in Mikealson drama hmmm. Back at Mikaelson manor they have to deal with a poisened Freya and a cursed Rebekah....cursed to spit facts! Some wall slamming and heart fisting happens. But eventually they manage to find the cure for both, Rebekah and Freya. And now everything is great and wholesome and everyone has fabulous hair. Cami and Klaus keep making sexy eyes at each other (get a room you two!). And of course they tell us that Rebekah has to leave (shocking!). Elijah and Freya have a beautiful siblings bonding moment and my heart is melting. But then we cut to Klaus and Cami and they DO finally get a room. And they make good use of it...well they kiss for a little, and stare deep into each others eyes...you know, really romantic stuff! While those two love birds are busy Elijah meets Rebekah in a grimy back alley. And she shows him that the mark has grown back and that she's fighting the urge to rip people's jugulars out. Well, that's not good. So she urges Elijah to dagger her. After some back and forth and some really pained looks from Elijah, he eventually complies. And back into the coffin she goes. See you in 5-10 episodes, darling. I thought this Rebekah&Elijah scene was quite upsetting but in no way was I prepared for what's about to happen inKlaus' room. They are slumbering peacefully next to each other, but then Cami wakes up and she looks adoringly at a sleeping Klaus, but then the music changes...that's not good. We cut to Aurora playing this haunting tune on the piano. Her bro joins her, they exchange words. Aurora is way too happy for my liking...it's making me feel uneasy. Aaand yep, cut back to Klaus' waking up to a bloody and lifeless Cami. FUCK YOU, TO! Or as Daniel Gillies would say „Fuck you right in the arse. And not in a sexy way either!“