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"Just compel him (Tristan)". The Mikaelson's don't know about compulsion yet. They are new vampires and have yet to learn all of the tricks ;)


Just finished this reaction- I even paused your The Shield reaction I was in the middle of watching when I saw that you'd posted a new TO reaction. :D With this episode they got a lot of the introduction and a huge chunk of the important backstory out of the way and now the stage is set (mostly). With Aurora on her way to NOLA we soon have all of them together. And I can not wait for you to find out where this story is going. The world building, story telling and the intricate relationships between the Originals and the new characters is what makes this season soooo incredibly good. Well that, and the epic and bad-ass scenes and top tier dialogues =P I am pretty confident that you'll enjoy the next episode :) "This is so good.SO GOOD" *show cuts to Hayley and Jackson* "oh and then they cut to the not so good ..." hahaha I felt that. That was so relatable. Elijah: "This is not forgiveness" You: "Not yet." Just imagine Elijah staying pissed off at Klaus for the duration of the show lol. That would be such a power move from the writers because no one would see that coming :D :D Well, let's see how long Elijah lasts. Not gonna lie, I AM impressed that he's stayed mad at Klaus for 4 episodes now. Bro means business. And Klaus in this episode, he was like seconds away from falling to his knees and begging Elijah for his forgiveness. I amost feel bad for him. Almost. :D