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Kitty Underwood

For the Mikaelsons, family doesn't just mean by blood. Marcel is family, and so is Hayley. By extension, Davina and Jackson could maybe be considered family as well


I mean Marcel and Hayley are blood being vamps and all. How dare you call Jackson family. 😆


I wanted to edit my comment but instead I accidentally deleted it🤦‍♀️ but ever since that one day I wrote this book-long comment for it to just disappear into nothingness (for whatever reason) I've started to write my comments in my notes app and thankfully I had yet to delete it lol. It's a bit of a slow start, because they have to introduce all of the new players and establish their links/connections to one another and they have to set up the different storylines- but the payoff will be well worth it :) so how are you liking lucien thus far? And what do you think about the prophecy? I still think Klaus was somewhat right in his actions (from the end of s2). Hayley is the one who kidnapped and greatly endangered Hope. So as Klau said "the punishment fits the crime". But I do also think that Klaus is feeling a bit guilty about what he did. You could see it in his eyes when he and Hayley were fighting and Hope appears and Hayley realises that she's missed those big milestones like her baby's first steps and she completely breaks down. Klaus looks like he is regretting his actions. But this guy just doesn't know how to deal with those feelings so he turns angry again, because THAT is an emotion he knows well. It will never stop being funny how Klaus is basically cock-blocking his entire family. This time it was Freya (welcome to the family, Freya! :D ). She, Elijah and Bex should start a "Klaus killed/threatened/compelled my love-interest" support group or something lol. Oh I absolutely, 100%, agree with you. Elijah oozes charme and charisma and that damned smile. That smile is what got me🫠