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Zdeněk Neustupa

This series has a lot of pop culture references. Movies, TV series, video games. In this episode, the writers, producers, made a big reference. Sarah's looks in this episode is a big nod to the Mass Effect 2 (2010) video game. Ivonne (Srah) was the voice and model of the face ( not the body!!) of Miranda Lawson. I played that video game including the first one enough because of it. But I'm glad, I haven't played many video games, but the Mass Effect series and especially Mass Effect 2 are among the best that have probably been created. Miranda is an interesting character, some players absolutely hate her and some love her. It can be said that the creators of Mass Effect 2 basically stole Sarah's character. I like it.

Fredrik IB

Another awesome reaction! I love Timothy Dalton to no end. What a tremendous character he is playing here. Volkoff is... to use his own words... SO MUCH FUN! Morgan and Alex are also adorable together, and i'm so happy for the little bearded man. Next episode is a true banger :)