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Because of the threat of cancellation, this ending could have been it. So putting that flash forward episode in there was a great way of showing us where things could have panned out, in a possible future. Luckily they managed to secure another and final season. Albeit of a miniseries length of just 13 episodes. I'm looking forward to watching this final part of the story with you, with the usual Fringe nuttiness. That moment of Walter shooting Olivia in the head works better when you haven't remembered the sign posted moment from the previous episode of cortexiphan's new and plot convenient regenerative properties. I've seen both, those who remember and those that are caught off guard. It's a little better for a reaction with the latter, I'll admit. Caught up in the emotion of the moment, it took me a few seconds to be like, na they ain't gonna kill Olivia, are they!