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Comment below on the order I should watch Crusade. If your order is already listed just give it a like. I will watch in whatever order gets the most votes this week.



I would say that pretty much any order works..But the only thing that really matters is whether you want the first episode that aired or the actual JMS preferred pilot to be first..

Nathan Cline

To me, the most sensible order is the first episode that aired (War Zone), because it really sets the show up and introduces the crew, then the rest don't really matter. I've watched someone do it a different order and they were completely unaware of key elements of who the main people even were half way through the series. War Zone works like a proper modern launch point, assembles the crew, shows us why they add value, a little back story, and some good action. Otherwise the other way you get thrown in and spend a lot of time trying to figure out if a person is important or a plot device.