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We are slowly getting to the point where it's no longer just a case-of-the-week tv show. I think the cases are interesting and fun, but for this show to really get some depth (be it story- or characterwise) it needs an overarching plot. At this point I am so over Vic's wife. She demands that he move out of the house he is paying for. And because Vic is an awesome, loving, caring dad who only wants what's best for his kids, he does it. He has his flaws just like everyone else, but man, he is a great dad. (I probly wouldn't be as patient and amicable as he is when it comes to his wife )

Joel Quinn

At this point, I think they should not be together. I'm with you on the fact that his wife is acting terrible — there is already alot lot in between them and that they should handle stress completely differently. What she does is beyond reasonable, more so in the episodes leading to this one. Running off and hiring some stranger is beyond betrayal. That being said, their life is a lie, and this is probably mostly on Vic. If he valued his family more, then he should act accordingly and keep his d**** in his pants. But he is a flawed character, so it is what it is — they should just separate and try to be there for the kids all the way. I can understand the wife for maybe ending it somehow, not for the shit she did, though. Being a caring dad in a relationship is not enough; there is still your partner, and on this front, he probably gave her enough questionable vibes. He is "reasonable" because he fears losing them and because he knows exactly what he did. That much makes sense, because otherwise I would be with you here and would have shown way less understanding for her. But they nailed it for the show, I guess — him being flawed, incapable of communicating, and losing it slowly to the stress he is under because his professional world is on the edge. Her acting out because she is completely out of the picture on what is going on and alone on that probably jumps to crazy conclusions.