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Haha that little tangent you went on at the beginning. I feel you! I mean this phenomenon of (weirdly enough) shipping two apparently straight dudes has been around for a while. It pretty much started with Spock and Kirk I think. But now that fanfic has become so popular and fandoms just grow and fans can interact with each other so easily on social media it has become a somewhat annoying "trend". I mean, don't get me wrong, people can ship whomever they want to ship ...but this shipping culture has become more and more toxic over the years, so much so that other people, who dont ship the characters or even the creators/writers of the show get attacked, threatened and called homophobe. And that's a big NO GO for me. Maybe I'm just saying this because I'm not big on romantic ships anyways and I usually prefer it when TV shows or movies focus on friendships or family bonds and it annoys me that every TV show has to shove ten quadrillion romatic ships down our throats but yeah... See, now I went off on a tagent lol. Anyways, back to your reaction. Enjoy your bro time. :D


So I had this very long comment planned talking about my thoughts of the ending but then you basically said EXACTLY what I was thinking at the end of your reaction lol. So I guess that saves me (and you :D ) some time. The first 120 minutes of this episode were absolute S-Tier levels of awesome. I loved everything about it. This could have been by far my favourite Sherlock episode BUT then they ruined it. They cheapened all they had built up in this episode and what could have been a phenomenally dramatic climax to a bloody epic episode...and they chose to go with the most cliché, cheesy option. Make the bad-ass villain a sad, little girl who just wants to be loved.... And it all felt so rushed. SUddenly Scotland Yard is at the old, burned-down Holmes residence, just in time to save John Watson. Like how did they get there so fast? Sherlock literally just found out where they were. How could Scotland Yard know?? I have a lot more to say, but it is getting really late, so I think I'm gonna leave it at that and maybe I'll do another comment tomorrow. But thank you for coming on this Sherlock adventure with us. It was a lot of fun! :)