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Last night I dreamed I was watching the final episode B5. It started off with a fully nude Ivanova, which to be honest was shocking but welcomed. It quickly turned into a surreal episode with something like a Babylon 5 national park with displays about the characters and I found myself in the episode. I realized in the dream at that point it was a dream and tried to get out. That is when it turned dark and the characters began to show up one by one only to be killed or turned into horrific works of art. Every time I thought I woke up from the dream I would soon realize I was still dreaming and being manipulated. The final level of the dream I was in a parking lot of the B5 park and who do I see but Peter Jurasik who I try to reach as shadow faced guards chase me. I finally find him and jump in his car. He is surprised but agrees to help me escape. As we leave the park I wake up. I wish I could remember more the details as it was such a real dream but as you know those memories quicky fade when we awake. I am sure watching an episode of Chuck before bed where he is trapped in a dream state influenced my dreams. Just thought I would share. Crazy shit. 



"I was in a parking lot of the B5 park and who do I see but Peter Jurasik." So would you say it was "Jurasik Park?" Waka waka.