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Will the new beta fix the odd crash issues seen over the past 2 betas? Will it break anything else? Will it actually work...? Who knows but the #WACUP beta testers can now find out😂

The changelog is at https://getwacup.com/changelog/beta_1_0_14_6044.html



WACUP Beta Build #6044 Changelog

Added transcoding api support to the OpenMPT Module Decoder plug-in which opens up mod files being rendered by the Waveform Seeker plug-in as well as now being a supported format in the Format Converter Added an 'Open Folder' button (which also supports Alt+F as a shortcut to trigger the action)



Turns out it worked yay (though this whole trying to be compatible thing is a right pain at times). However it's already been replaced with earlier this morning & I'll be adding new beta testers later today (am a bit behind, sorry).