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#WACUP preview build is now available @ https://getwacup.com/preview/

It's just under 5 months since the last formally announced preview build (some saw #5118😉) with 5 beta builds released to help create the 200 line changelog for #5144

A big focus of this build vs #4346 is stability with a lot of time spent analysing the crash reports that have been received.

There's also an initial round of high-dpi related changes thanks to the support received (via https://getwacup.com/support/ & especially everyone who's helped via here on Patreon) to help get onboard the 4K train 😎

With over 200 changes (it ends up being more with the beta specific changes), there should be something for everyone with the release of #WACUP preview build

More is to come as we progress with removing more of the Winamp files 👍

Finally a very big thank you has to go to the feedback & testing from the beta testers as well as normal users especially when taking the time to report issue.

It is all very much appreciated & despite my grumpiness at times (I know) it does make this an enjoyable experience🦙





Love the fact that you put work into the in_snesamp.dll and it no longer shows weird japanese kanji signs in the tag info. But the formatting that it used no longer works as before a la 5.666 and some of the tags are no longer read from each .spc correctly. You probably already knew but in case you didn't just letting you know. Thanks again for the work you put into the plugin, it really is appreciated.


The titles is wrong (it's noted in the beta build know issues) as the change from the VC6 compiler that the original wrapper was built with to VS2017 didn't work well with the hacked up 15 year old code that was used to deal with metadata. I'm intending on having ID666 support as a native tag format as part of the common metadata reader so it'll be sorted. Main thing for now is that despite the titles being wrong, it's not crashing & generating a load of crash reports :)


This update also fixes the fact that WACUP refused to shutdown when i chose to close down the computer. Had to force the shutdown in Windows 10, but now it just shuts down and WACUP no longer gets stuck in memory. Must've been the many legacy plugins i used that caused it and with your work on the plugins it might've just fixed that issue.


That's good to know it's working better. I've definitely been paying attention to the crash reports & using what I'm seeing in them to hopefully track down the more obvious issue. I know there's also been some fixes that come from finishing replacing winamp code for wacup code & not having the blend of things has faired better across a lot of setups. Main thing is fewer crash reports & if compatibility is improving then that's something to be happy about :)