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I know some of you have tickets to Digitiser Live 2.0, so apologies if you've already seen this, but I don't want anybody to miss it, as it's important (and if you're not... you can still get a ticket here if you're quick: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/digitiser/347170). 

Annoyingly, Sanja and I just recorded a video for you about Digi Live, where we mentioned we were waiting on confirmation of various things... and the moment we finished, we got that confirmation! We'll still post the vids though.

Anyhow, this has just gone to all the ticket holders:

Happy 50 Days Until Digitiser Live Day! And finally, some good news… unless things change dramatically between now and September 4th, we’re going ahead. Were that to happen, we would postpone the show rather than cancel, with a new date hopefully in Spring next year.

But let’s remain optimistic! September 4th it is! For definite!

We’ve got special guests confirmed, the backstage team is in place, the script and video sequences are coming together nicely, and we’re hoping it’ll be every bit as memorable as the first one.

I’m sure some of you have questions about how Covid is impacting on the event, so I can assure you that Harrow Arts Centre will have measures in place designed to keep you and their staff safe. I’ll detail these further below.

Sadly, David Walford’s daytime Chunky Fringe event has had to be scaled back quite a bit – details to follow - but we know many of you enjoyed getting there early last time. Therefore, David has very kindly offered to help us hire the main hall for a few extra hours, so we’re hoping there may be a panel or a screening of some sort late-afternoon. This shouldn’t affect the timing of the evening show, which is still planned to kick off around 7pm.

The bar will be open late, and we’ll doubtless congregate outside afterwards for a bit of meet-and-greet after the show, hopefully in a way that’s better structured than last time!

I’ll be back in touch soon with details for all of this, and the schedule of any extra events, and the like.

The full list of safety requirements and measures is below (Harrow Arts Centre don’t believe they’ll be requesting to see vaccination certificates, but will confirm):

Harrow Arts Centre is a certified Covid secure venue. There are several new measures put into place on site to ensure that the possibility of transmission of Covid-19 is reduced as much as possible.

These include:

• Sanitising cleaning measures

• All visitors are required to wear a face covering when visiting

• New maximum capacity of the site and all rooms

• A one-way system across the entire site

• Track and Trace details recorded upon entry

• Weekly fogging

• The implementation of hand sanitiser stations at entry & exit points

It is currently mandatory to wear a face mask at Harrow Arts Centre, unless you are exempt. Exemptions include (but is not limited to):

• children under the age of 11 (Public Health England does not recommend face coverings for children under the age of 3 for health and safety reasons)

• people who cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability

• where putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress

• if you are speaking to or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expressions to communicate

• to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to yourself or others ‒ including if it would negatively impact on your ability to exercise or participate in a strenuous activity

Additionally, we’ve made the choice not to sell every available seat, in order to allow people to spread out a bit. There are still a few tickets available, in very limited quantities, should you know anyone who’d like to attend.

Other than that, I’ll hopefully be in touch again soon-ish with full details of the running order, and any additional afternoon events for the early birds. Follow me on Twitter @mrbiffo or keep an eye on www.digitiser2000.com for the essential FAQ.

Oh, and yeah… you can dress up as your favourite Digi or Found Footage character if you want…

Very limited numbers of tickets remain, but if you still want to attend, you can get them here if you hurry:





I know the DVDs of the first show are done and dusted and not something you want to repeat (for all sorts of good reasons), but would you consider making a digital version available to buy, maybe via Vimeo (a la Ashens and the Polybius Heist)?


Considering I dress like Facting Bong Bong as it is, coming in costume wouldn't exactly be a problem for me! 😂


Weeeeell.... we've discussed doing DVDs of both Digi Live 2.0 and maybe Digi The Show series 2. Basically, we're no longer ruling it out! Don't know if you're top tier, Hedders, but we actually do touch upon it in an upcoming vid. So in short... we hope we'll find ways for everyone to see the show. Ultimately, whether we charge for it will depend on how good the finished product is.


Weekly fogging eh. I had no idea the resurrection of dead pirates once a week would become an anti-covid measure. Very glad to hear this is going ahead as I loved the first Digi live.