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I've been mulling this over for months now, and... we're considering doing a second series of Digitiser The Show. 

Keep it to yourself. I just wanted to get some thoughts down for now.

Most of you know that both Sanja and I found the experience of doing the first series fairly awful. It was very, very stressful, for all manner of reasons. 

So why would we consider doing it again?

Where I'm at in terms of my day job is this: I'm effectively out of work at the minute. The TV industry still hasn't opened up fully, because of Covid. Work is virtually impossible to come by, and we've only just scraped through the last 18 months. 

I'm working on spec stuff, and developing one project, but they don't bring in an income. It's just taking a punt, frankly. No guarantees.

While I'm working on spec stuff, and waiting to see what happens, what money I do have is slowly getting whittled away, and on top of that... things are overdue that need to be paid. My only income at the minute is this Patreon, and as much as I appreciate your support, it doesn't cover everything. But I do hope you feel you get value for money...! 

Consequently, I'm starting to get worried, and have said to my agent I'd work on anything at this stage. Which is a bit depressing, but needs must. 

Digitiser is not a huge channel, but we do have a very loyal, very supportive, audience. Obviously, I've stepped back from retrogaming in recent years, but I do still write my column in Retro Gamer, and have never said never. 

Digitiser was, of course, first and foremost a retro gaming brand. And, let's face it, so was I. When Digi and I come together with retrogaming... that's when it seems to explode.

The most money we ever raised through crowdfunding, was Digi The Show. Yes, it cost a fortune, but we've learned to do things since then on a much, much tighter budget. We're sitting on something that could maybe, possibly, take a huge amount of stress off my shoulders and, if it's done right, be an enjoyable, creatively-fulfilling, experience that a ton of people would enjoy. 

So, being completely honest and open with you: IF we do it... we'd be doing Digitiser The Show, in part, for the money. It's like Happy Mondays reforming, or something. I need an income. I need to be able to feed my family, and pay the mortgage. A percentage of what we raised would be, essentially, paying for my time and creativity. 

But that doesn't mean we couldn't also do it for the love, if we can ensure we don't repeat the mistakes that caused stress the first time around. I'd still want it to be sincere and creatively fulfilling. Something I'm proud of. Something that's fun, that all involved enjoy. 

I don't want to put Sanja through what she went through the first time. I don't want to put myself through it. I want it to be as joyful as Digitiser Deluxe and Supernatural World, and all those other eps we've done since have been.

All of that would mean a leaner, stripped-back series. Still with that same Digi energy, of course, but first and foremost, the thing to prepare you for is that it wouldn't be the same line-up of hosts. We didn't need five hosts first time round, there wasn't enough for everyone to do, and it brought other challenges to boot. 

So we'd be looking at me, and - most likely, let's face it - Gannon. We would still want loads of guests though; people you know from the retrogaming scene. Some mates of ours. Some new faces. We'll see. This is very, very early days. We're only just starting to talk about this ourselves.

Also, this would be a limited engagement. I'd put any new series on its own channel; Digitiser Gaming, or something. Last time, I wanted to move on from gaming stuff afterwards, but most of our subscribers were there for more of the same. Which caused all sorts of nightmares, as many of you are aware. I want to keep it separate from what we do on the main channel.

Lastly for now, we'd be very cautious about what rewards we offer. Sanja has only just started re-sending the DVDs from Series 1, after all her health issues this year, and there's no way on earth I will be convinced to do DVDs again. But t-shirts, posters/prints, badges, all good. As well as the chance to come and watch the filming, get your name in it, maybe be a contestant - stuff like that. All tbd, though.

So, anyway. I wanted to let you all know. We'll be costing it all before making any big, public, announcement. Contacting people we'd like to be involved. And it's looking like I need to get my arse into gear with Digi Live 2.0. to boot. 

So, again, keep this under your hat, but... yeah. This might actually happen. 

Desperate times...!




Great idea I’d love to see more. Hopefully you can do it without the heartache. If it pays your bills and gives us more digitiser then I see that as a win win. Sign me up for the crowdfunding I’ll be supporting


As long as it doesn't drag you down and cause more problems for you and yours I would love to see a second series! I would certainly love to see another crowdfunder and would absolutely throw some pennies in!


Would absolutely back it if you were to do it. I became a fan of the channel a while after the first one, but did enjoy what I watched and would definitely support it if you were to have a second go around. :)


Well, this is all very unexpected and exciting! Eminently sensible from a financial perspective, too. You’ve learnt a lot from the first one, and running the channel for the last few years, so I’m sure you can do it in a way that actually makes some money for you, and doesn’t require you to dip into your own pocket to finish. If you raise enough, will a Gossi puppet to join Fat Sow be on the cards? That could work so well. Anyway, yes: would quite obviously back this!


As always I will support everything you produce (finances allowing) but I echo everyone else (and yourself) - please make sure you do it in as much of a stress free way as is possible. EDIT: Just to add, I do feel like I get value for money!

Craig Hall

I've backed a number of guys here on patreon over the last few years, most of them will keep my interest and therefore backing for a few months before either they give up making content or I get bored of seeing the same old content recycled ad nauseum. I think I only backed you here Paul late last year despite knowing of you and some of your work for years. It's my opinion, and I'm sure that of most of the other children here that you offer about the best value for money content going. I see a near-constant stream of quality, hilarious and worryingly often informative (I didn't sign up to do any learning, damn it!) content from Sanja, Gannon, Eli and yourself and it's all top rate stuff! As always, thanks for continuing to keep us smiling!


Groovy, if I lived closer I would definitely help in some way. Im sure you'll figure out how to do it with less stress and a tighter budget.


If you can do it in a way that doesn't stress the both of you out as much, I'm all in. I'll more than happily back it. And I'd prefer there weren't any 'rewards'. I want the money going towards the show itself...that's the reward.


Everthing you turn your hand to has me entertained so count me in. I'll be supporting this 100% 😊


I think this sounds like a great idea. What's the point of learning lessons if you don't get a chance to put that into practice? Also: have you done any more considering of a new higher-tier of Patreon? I know you were thinking about it before. Could be a way to help out too.


Very happy to support this, and absolutely agree that it should give you some profit to help pay the bills. Super excited about the idea of watching the filming and even the chance to be a contestant!


Would love to see a second series of digitiser as long as you and Sanja can do it as stress free as possible, and you’re always value for money mate.


I don’t really know how Patreon works but what about another tier if you need some extra income to cover costs, would another £4 a month help? With early releases of the new gaming videos? 🤔 I wonder if there’s a way you could charge different tiers for different types of content (perhaps have different Patreons?) Wonder if there’s any other columns you could do in Retro Gamer perhaps, or maybe even pitch a new column with Paul Gannon and then see if you can use that to promote the Digi channel or podcasts even?

Tyronne Mann

I will gladly back this, I missed the boat with found footage and the original Digi series, and I will not make that mistake again. Also, it is actually refreshing to have someone say the reason they are doing this is money - I have no issue with this whatsoever, and I just wish more were upfront about such things. You have a creative job and like anyone deserve to be paid for your time and experience, same as with me and with everyone else who works. Consider me a backer, let me know where the money needs to go and if there is anything else I can do to help, like others have said you need only ask :) Also part#2 - I do feel like I am getting my monies with backing you but I do not do it for that reason, I really appreciate the things which get created, be it found footage, digi or the supernatural world, and it is that reason why I am a backer.


you know you have our support! happy to help however we can

Sam Anderson

All over it, as always <3


Yep, I'm down said it before and saying it again.


Yep. Im down. And I dont even really care for nostalgia type gaming :) I've recently rewatched a few eps of the first series and can see why it might have been a bit of a nightmare to make, not to mention some of the comments being bizarrely, unnecessarily cruel (thats the internet, I guess :/). The method of doing something like this yourself was bound to be painful to start with, until figuring out the streamlining of the process, the focus of 'staff'/presenters for want a better bunch of words. Recovery takes time before being able to get back on that horse (heroin, obviously). Tbh, its the laughs I'm here for so whatever subject matter it is, I'll watch. So as strange as it may sound, and as much as I couldnt give a tin shit about nostalgia/retro gaming, I'd contribute in whatever ways I can to a new series. Digi and Gannon is all I needed to hear to give this a thumbs up, really :D


And obviously, Smacksalad Studios is at your disposal at any point :)


Have you considered raising your prices on patreon in general? Only very recently joined on patreon after supporting cheapshow and would happily do at least £10 a month rather than 4. Seems like you underprice your content which, especially the recent stuff, obviously cost a lot to make. Just a thought...


K, I'm not good at patreon but have worked out how to increase the donation bit. Ignore me 😒


It would be great to see a second series, but at the same time not at the cost of both of you stressing & not enjoying it. I would happily contribute towards this. Even a crisp packet signed by the both of you would suffice as a reward in my book. Mucho lovo! X

TJ @ The Variety Show Podcast

Sounds a thing of beauty and even with second child inbound, I’ll back it with whatever money I can. We love what you put out, just make sure what you put out makes you happy.