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Hello, y'all. I need some help! 

In short: we lost a tiny, but REALLY important bit of footage from last week's filming. It's a shot looking out a car windscreen at night, as it travels down a small country road... and then STOPS, as if it loses power, headlights go off... and then it just sits there for a few moments.

Now... I don't own a car these days, and short of renting another one, or borrowing my dad's overnight, there's no real way for me to reshoot the footage. 

Would any of you be able to help by grabbing something similar for you?  

It's not vital that the car has to be exactly the same as our rental one (which was a black Tesla, if you must know), but preferably close enough so that the bonnet/hood is dark enough that it could pass as it in some handheld in-car footage looking out the front window.

It doesn't have to be super-high quality; on a phone will more than suffice (and obviously don't drive and film; get a passenger to do it, or something). And if any of you can help, and we use your clip, we'll give you a credit in the ep.

Let me know... and thank you!


EDIT: Of course it wasn't a sodding Tesla. It was a Lexus.



I’ll give it a go. I live in the grounds of a castle so the country road is no problem, the car is silver though…


I'm sure someone is on it. Otherwise give me a till Tuesday and I'll see what I can do.


I doubt my old-style Mini would fit the bill... 😂


Would love to help, but my car is banana yellow


Could be perfect, Kyle, providing it's dark enough not to notice the colour. Thank you!


Cheers, Mark. Kyle up above might have us sorted, but I'll let you know if not.


Could maybe manage it so you can’t see the bonnet anyway

David Glover-Aoki

Never have I more regretted that my Tesla is white.


Excellent. Cheers, Kyle (preferably somewhere with no street lights).


Yeah no streetlights is fine I just live in the north of Scotland so still waiting for the sun to go down…


Don't drive myself, but love that within minutes there's people in the Digi crew offering to help.


You star! One other person is having a crack too, so we might mix-and-match. Either way, you'll both get a shout-out.




We have two black cars and live in the arse-end of nowhere, but we’ve also just had alcoholic beverages, so better not. If you still need it tomorrow PM then we can do it, but it looks like you’ll be sorted by then.


EDIT: Of course it wasn't a sodding Tesla. It was a Lexus.


I won’t be hurt if my scene doesn’t get chosen just happy to help


Sent through a short vid man it’s still to light but gives you a couple choices of location


I'm in the countryside, but also have a silver car so not ideal. Out of interest, can you share any clips or stills of any existing country road footage (e.g. tree-lined or not) or bonnet footage, to try and match?


Seems like you're covered here, but we have a dark gray car and live on a farm down a country track (no lights), so if the above doesn't pan out gimmie a shout.


Ditto to Dan but I've got a dark red Fiesta, a dashcam and access to Buckinghamshire country roads if everything else fails.


Lots of these lovely people already offering to help, but do consider me 15th backup please Paul! I live right in the middle of nowhere (check out my village of Enville!) so spooky/pitch black is our thing here!


Please feel free to make videos anyone else who can it’s still not dark in Scotland! I’d rather Paul got plenty to choose from then had to wait for a video from me that wasn’t what he needed


Think you should have some footage now hopefully it is of use 👍


I dont have a car but I do have a lovely bonnet and regularly stand motionless in the middle of dark country lanes, if thats any help?


Gonna get one shot bit later, Mrs lives out in the sticks with all county lanes so Paul will have plenty of choices.


Probably too late to be useful, and it's not what you asked for. But I have some grainy old footage of an "alien" frollicking in a Swedish forest.