Hi all.
Firstly, thanks for all the concerned/kind words over the past couple of weeks. We're on the mend, though it's frustratingly slow going. We're Covid-free now, but not free of being absolutely exhausted, and not being able to do anything too physical, because we struggle to breathe... I've said it before, but... COVID IS A BASTARD OF A THING.
But! Something I was able to do, was whittle together some of the footage we shot the other week. I wasn't intending to have more Beanus so soon after the last one. Candidly, he's Marmite, and it probably lost us more subs than any other video we've done in months. But hey - this is only a little ep. Maybe he works better in small doses.
If we're up to it, hopefully next week you'll get Sanja and I back on the sofa, for a long-awaited unboxing. We've both missed doing sofa videos, and it feels like something a bit chattier and more relaxed is what we both need. Plus, we can bore you with our Covid horror story. I think I need something more grounded after two Beanus eps on the go.
Anyhow... Hereeeeeeee's Beanus (there is some deleted stuff from this ep, which the top tier will be getting, but as many of you keep telling me.... I won't push myself to get it to you this week, and recovery comes first, and blah blah).