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We've got COVID! So, that's fun. But anyway, here's an exclusive slice of abject silliness from before that happened, in which we browse the latest issue of The Web magazine, I relate my most cringe-worthy Marillion story, and we brainstorm titles for Mark Kelly's autobiography... 



You've got a fantastic skill for putting out content just as I'm feeling glum and wanting something to enjoy - thank you! Also holy shit I'm SO excited to hear properly about the disastrous press release you wrote. Genuinely made my toes curl just hearing the basics of it on here. Also I kinda love the title Markives as a spoken title but written it looks weird. Thank you very much for the bonus ep, it made me giggle a lot - I love the cosier comfier vibes of the patreon exclusives. Hope you all get better soon, much love to you <3


Hope you're all ok and not suffering with too many symptoms.


I've just became a Patron and am really enjoying the bonus content. I think there's lots more themes you can cover. You could spend a year just discussing the Marillion Weekends!