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On this week's Bonus edition of Between You And Me, Sanja and I take a look at the results of the Marillion Christmas Poll - which reveals THE WORST MARILLION ALBUMS EVER!





Haha, good to know I share a character trait with h and Sanja - guilt and feeling like we've done something wrong 🤣 If they're the King and Queen of self-pity, I'll claim princehood 🤣🤣 This was really interesting to hear as someone who's only up to Radiation - it was interesting seeing how many scored worse than Radiation, considering my personal not-great opinions of Radiation! I'm excited to get more familiar with more Marillion albums and then come back to this to see how my opinions align with the freak masses. Also uhhhhhhhh oof at h describing himself as the blackest member of Marillion - I assume he means 'black sheep' but OOF. I can excuse it because he's old enough to be my grandad but bloody hell that's a lexical ambiguity and a half. Thanks for the bonus eps! Loved this one.


As a non Marillion fan, do I look forward this episode and the music it talks about more, or less? This is a philosophical quandary. I'm currently rewatching Twin Peaks and we've started to get to rot of season two, its going to get really hard to watch for nigh on the next three months (we are doing one episode a week). Its a strange thing to look forward to something that I know I'm probably going to have a bad time with :)