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Happy Sunday, everyone! It has gone 9am, I'm still in bed, and have no intention of getting out of it any time soon.

If you've read any of my upper-tier blogs, you may be aware that something I've felt has gone away a little is the community aspect that existed in the Digisphere not so long ago. Dunno quite where it has gone or why - I don't know if it's just my perspective, or whether it's a broader issue (it does seem as if assorted less-than-nice behaviour has stripped away some of the collective feeling we used to have in the retro gaming community). I do miss the Digi Friday Letters Page, and I'm pretty sure I'll bring it back at some point, in some form.

But... there are almost 400 of you backing me on here, and I thought that between us we could try and get some of that community spirit back. We've got a live show coming next year - and I'm now feeling optimistic that it's going to go ahead as planned. We've got 10 months to make sure that it's every bit as good and welcoming as the first one. 

Some of you I know by name, some of you I've met already, but I thought I'd use this opportunity to invite you all to introduce yourself, tell everyone a bit about you, why you're here, link to your socials - and let's do some mutual following... that sort of thing. We're all different, but something has united us, so we've already got stuff in common. I think we need to remember that after this past year. Perhaps it's even time to let bygones slide, and reach out to people who we've lost touch with. 

I'm going to see if there are other ways to try to bring us a bit closer together again - make a bit more of the Digi Discord, maybe, or something similar. 

Get commenting! Let's rebuild our community!



Craig Hall

Great idea about the discord, almost everyone else I follow has a discord. If you need any help setting one up then modding it give me a shout, I've bags of experience doing that kind of thing. I go by PixelRatedGames on the socials so if you just / that you'll find me. I've had a bit of a pants year but now things are looking I'm going to start streaming again over on my Twitch. Hi all!


Hello. I'm John and I'm a Biffoholic


Hullo. I'm David, I'm on twitter as @nocturnerose. Got into digi via Ashens forum years ago back when that was a thing. I'm into miniature painting, gaming, anime, and amateur dramatics.


I'm Graham, I have a YouTube channel called Jaws19, which is resting at the moment. I'm on twitter @jaws19show


Greetings all! PJ here...Digi fan since the teletext days. Major gamer, loves making a guitar make horrific sounds and world class pedant. Definitely think bringing the Friday letters page in some format is a really good idea, it was a great way to round up everyone in one place. Or maybe some more fb posts that actively push for engagement in one way or another. We've got a good lot here that I'm sure would come together more with a bit of a push (like, in fact, this very post!).


Hi, I'm Jamie and a late comer to digi and lapsed gamer. Got into digi via ashens and cheapshow.


A Discord sounds like a great idea! Would definitely be up for joining that if you made one :) As far as introductions go, I'm James. I live up in Edinburgh, I work in the games industry and I've been into video games ever since I was a young child, my parents bought an Amiga 500 from a family friend so I grew up playing that before moving onto the Playstation and so on. I'm also a big fan of Prog Rock (First 3 albums I ever heard were Genesis - We Can't Dance, Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell 2, Jeff Waynes Musical Version of the War Of The Worlds), coutning Genesis, Marillion, Dream Theater, Haken as some of my fav bands. My other main things is that I'm a massive fan of the Evangelion franchise and a Trekkie :) I actually found out about Digi through my partner, I came home from work and she had been busy working on either a cosplay or something else int he front room. We were both fans of Barshens so Digitiser popped up in our recommended stuff on Youtube, she watched a few eps and loved it, I think the first episode she shown me was the one in which we learned that Paul Gannon likes to poo in the shower :D Was hooked from there :D For my Socials, you can get me on Twitter at: JLSoryu. I'm also over on Youtube as JL-Soryu, where I do general nerdy unboxings and sometimes talk about retro games. I try to keep my stuff fairly low energy and chill, and I'm hoping to do more stuff over the next year or so. :)


Nice idea. I’m Paul, @PaulioFletcher on Twitter. First read Digi in 1995 ish I think (?) but became a daily reader in late 1996. I was only 11 and initially found the humour charming but odd; I was only 11. Either way I knew I liked it, grew to adore it and was infinitely sad when it went away. My late teens and 20’s went by and then I found the Digitiser 2000 website in about 2014 if my memory serves. I was hugely impressed with the Games of My Years series, loved the behind the scenes stories. Been hooked since then. I’m not a podcaster/you tuber/gaming personality so I have nothing to promote here, I’m just a fan with an opinion. I love gaming, comics, toys, music, movies, football and more. I too miss the community aspect of Digi but must also admit I often feel on the outskirts of it, which is fine. I don’t have the time or desire to be known/social famous but do enjoy the interactions and it would be nice to attend the next live event and be able to chat to some folks.


Hello, hello. I know exactly what you mean about the community-ness thats missing. It is not just here, it seems to he happening all over. Maybe all these lockdowns are turning of our sense of community spirit and we are getting used to doing things on our own. Anyway, introductions. I am Vicky, some of you may know me from setting up the digi live Facebook group (which I'm happy to turn into more of a general digi community group). On social media I am @heyvickytoria everywhere. I have just moved to Blackpool from Lancaster and looking forward to things getting back to normal so I can have a social life again!

Tyronne Mann

Hello, I`m Tyronne and use the handle @B3tan_Tyronne on the twitter as it is a name I have used for more years than I can to think about and stems from my days on the b3ta.com website (funny photoshops/music/all sorts) website where I have been a member for the better part of 20 years where my user name was Tyronne (total lack of imagination but it's me name so why use something else) and still frequent to this day. I knew of Digi back in the ancient past and truth be told I cannot actually say what brought me back into the fold years later but I am really glad whatever it was did as it lead to discovering the podcast cheapshow as well. Looking forward to Digilive 3.0 - the search for Digilive 2.0 next year as the first one was one of the best days of 2019 AND my sega multimega got fondled by Larry and Octav1us on stage that evening - you know it was a good day when my wife who had no idea what to expect enjoyed herself and is looking forward to the next one.


Hello friends, I’m Chris (but sometimes Jerden on screen). I used to read Digitiser on Teletext and have a weirdly fond memory of the “Moc-Moc-A-Moc”/“Swayze!” Reveal-Oh and nowadays I record music on an iPad in a spare bedroom and sometimes slowly rhythmically say words in an approximate pitch over the top of it, purely for economic reasons. Love


Hey guys, I'm Steve, also known as Wonderspons online. I am mostly a fan in the background but I do like the idea of getting this community back up! Found Digitiser through Stuart Ashen/Barshens/Cheapshow etc. And I've been loving it. I like movies, games, music, the standard things. I stream on Twitch as DeWonderspons, anything from Pokémon to 90's edutainment games, gameshow games (ex. Wheel of Fortune etc) and I am on Twitter as @Wonderspons! :)


Hello, I am Gaz. I wrote the odd review for Digi under my nom de plume of Super Bad Advice, and not “under my mom de plume” as autocorrect wanted me to add, which sounds like I penned articles while being sat on by my mother, who is a French bird with an impressive display of feathers. Anyway, I can be found on Twitter should you be that way inclined (@gazhaman). I also used to do deliberately awful cooking, which I might get round to restarting again some day.


Hi everybody! I'm Dylan from New Hampshire, U.S. Please follow me, @SpudTelecaster, on Twitter. I'll follow everyone else who comments here. Because of my job, I can't display my name publicly on Twitter given the frequency of filth/politics/nonsense I talk. My displayed name there is usually something else (it was Emmett, my dog's name, for a long time). Like many viewers, I found Digitiser through the Ashens/Barshens/Cheapshow path. Being American, I had never heard of Digitiser or Teletext, so I was lucky to have found the modern Digitiser the way I did. I appreciate the opportunity to do this (thanks Biffo!) because I've wanted to be more engaged with the Digi community for a while. I'm fairly active in Cheapshow Twitter, but I pay just as much attention to Digi releases and look forward to interacting with more of you. Feel free to reach out!


Hi, my name is Thom. I've been following Digi since the mid '90s. I'm a big fan of retro tech, especially the 1985 - 2005 period. I don't say a lot; I have severe social anxiety and I've learnt that any attempt to push back against it only causes it to push back on me even harder. You can find me on Instagram as lilock33, although I'm not currently active on there.

Kevin Leah (AKA Zoinks!)

I'm Kevin, AKA Zoinks in most places. I guess my Digi connection goes back to the seventies when I saw my first Ceefax box at a Hi-Hi exhibition . I was an avid consumer of Teletext content from the early days until it's ultimate demise. Digitiser was forgotten to me until the kickstarter (which I missed) . I love that there is this community of UK (mostly) creators and I enjoy the eclectic mix of content that Paul creates - it's quite unique. The lockdown restriction forced a slight change, but it's been great to get. Mrs Digitiser in front of, rather that behind of the camera. She has proved to be a perfect fit for the channel. I think Discord can be a great place for expanding the community spirit - its certainly works with other creators.


Hi, my name is Jodie, I am 31 years old and I live in the West Midlands (England). My hobbies are playing keyboard, reading, cooking and writing in my journal. I got into Digitiser after watching an interview with you in Barshens, I found you very interesting in the interview, so after watching a few Digi videos I subscribed and it went from there. I have Twitter and Instagram and my username is mrs_hummus on both; it’d be wonderful if you could follow me on Twitter.


Dave. Followed digi since 90s. Forgot it existed until YouTube decided I might want to check out Digi the show. Was great to rediscover that Paul's humour was still the same exotic blend of madness, unfiltered thought, and hilarious juxtapositions; coupled with real heart. I'm one of life's f**k ups. Marriage in tatters, chop and change jobs, but still rise up the greasy ladder. Recently diagnosed ADHD, no surprises there. Did stand-up in my 20s because I was in control on stage. Worked in museums, schools, MOD (air traffic), MOD (training), now in heavy rail. Mainly I like the performance element of training but now seek to change the direction of training from factory process learn via a course and take a test...into, learn however you want, there are courses available...just demonstrate you can do the job in the real world, safely, and we'll accredit you. Don't really care for societal norms, and so am often in minor trouble with micromanagers and people who love a hierarchy. I write stuff, and used digi's letters page as an outlet for my dark musings and funny rambles alike. I'm also working on a series of short ghost stories inspired by M R James, and will likely begin a twitch stream where I tell stories (loads of practice from my days in the museum, arsing about in various costumes)...I've bought the gear, have an idea...but as usual with ADHD, I can't be arsed to get going...because I'm overwhelmed with the possibilities. I know I will though, it'll be that one day when I get a massive burst of energy and just go for it. Looking forward to my employer thinking that I can't be a senior manager and also muck about on Twitch because it's unprofessional or something. Ramble time. Thoughts on neurodiversity. I really don't think it should ever be considered a handicap if you function and are not impaired by your condition...the only thing that does impair you is the rules of society that favour a particular mindset and approach to getting on. People with no malice, who are safe, have the faculties to not hurt others etc, but just see the world as a massive eruption of inputs that need to be enjoyed and lived in the moment of...instead of conform conform conform. Hey, leave us alone. We're not disabled. You are disabling. Anyroad, take care all. You're one of my few non-professional outlets since 'the separation'


Lovely idea, Paul - this is just what we needed! Really nice to find out more about everyone. So yeah, I’m Chris, I’ve been running the Digi fansite Super Page 58 since 1997, in tribute to the work of our dear leader Mr Biffo. Read Digi religiously since the day it launched in 1993, and got totally sucked into its world. You can follow the site account on Twitter @superpage58, and my personal one is @trueadventures, though I don’t tweet that often these days. I keep SP58 running because Digi deserves to be documented and remembered. It was hugely important to me in my formative years - I’ve learnt so much by osmosis from it, including in many ways, how to be a person thanks to many of Biffo’s replies and comments to reader letters. Also, goes without saying that it was a key influence on my sense of humour! Outside of Digi, I’m a huge music fan and ravenous gig-goer. This year has been incredibly tough in that respect - I miss being down the front singing and pogoing to my favourite bands like I can’t tell you. Looking forward to Digi Live next year and seeing many of you there. I’ll be involved with Chunky Fringe again, and can’t wait for the fun!


Hi, I'm Chris, I don't talk much. I'm on Twitter as @AwakeInBeds for occasional random nonsense mostly about old computers or teletext, or a rant about the incompetent idiots in charge of the country.


Dave (wanting to disown my name) Rolfe, pka Flux Marsh. I've just broken my desktop, following manufacturers advise, so typing this on my phone is hell, and you'll see zero use of proper spacing and paragraphs. I'm 34, nearly left 30 on a gravestone before discovering a something that has since fucked off again. But enough of THAT! I'm an avid gamer, and technology enthusiast. I'm open to discourse and advise from both communities (advice more for AMD desktops, especially after snapping a CPU pin), and possibly some online multiplayer if there's enough interest in the Digi community (FluxMarsh on all platforms, excluding PlayStation). Can't see how much I've drivvled on here, so I'll cut off by saying that Ashens (via Barshens) brought me here, so Thanks Stuart. And I'm looking forward to seeing Fat Sow live (please)


Hello. I’m Gareth. I make amateur progressive rock in my spare room sometimes. I am fearallyouhear on Instagram though I mainly use it to take badly framed photographs of my cat and the sky. I came to Mr Biffo’s channel out of Digitiser nostalgia but I stayed because of the wonderful surrealist joy it has become every week. Definitely ticks a box in my brain. I’d be interested in a discord too.


Good morning mister boys and girls, I'm Pete, and I've been a gaming and flatulence enthusiast since an early age. I used to read Digi growing up, and my brother (ten years my senior) occasionally worked with Our Biffo in his early days in the games press. (He's now the Publisher at IGN, so it all worked out quite nicely for him.) I'm an autistic mess of a human being, though learning that I had Asperger's a couple of years ago helped me to understand precisely why I suffer so much from social anxiety. Digitiser Live last year was a wonderful experience for me despite my initial misgivings; it took me out of my comfort zone but helped me understand that not everyone in the world is a scary person. I even got to shake the fine Mr Rose by the hand and let Octavius touch my Atari 400, so that evening was truly special. I've spent some time in the professional games press, but got treated rather poorly by my peers, to say the least. That's a story for another day though; the upshot of that is that I now do a lot of my own gaming-related projects online, including https://moegamer.net (a site which does deep dives into overlooked and underappreciated video games from both yesterday and today) and my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/petedavison (which primarily plays host to my Atari A to Z series, exploring the game libraries of the Atari 8-bit, Atari ST and Atari consoles, as well as some miscellaneous quick tours of games I like, and retro games available on the Evercade platform). I have been told I have a "nice voice". If you'd like to say hi or just follow my work you can find me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MoeGamer


Hi, I'm Duncan. Used to love reading Dugi back in the day and found out about the Youtube Channel from Barshens. I'm only on Instagram (@duncangibb01). Mainly pictures of old toys that I own.


What ho all. I’m Nick I’m on Twitter as @checkyoursheds. I live on the Cambridgeshire/Essex border and work in Cambridge. I used to read Digi from the early 90s onwards but we didn’t have a teletext television for a long time so it was off and on. I really started paying attention during your Edge columns. I’ll go through the comments properly and follow everyone but please be warned most of my Twitter feed is just me shouting at The Archers


Hi anyone reading, my name is Tom, I'm a IT type worker for my local authority and as hobbies, I like to cycle in weekends, play video games and I'm a bass player/casual guitar player who enjoys mostly rock/metal. I came to find Mr. Biffo from the Digi show Kickstarter, Ashens talked about it so backed it (I'm a sucker for live events so backed that perk!) And since then it's been a glorious ride learning about the Digi past and loving all the new Digi content that me and friends quote alot, my Twitter is @Chappers2112 but I'm not very interesting on there... 😂


I'm @JohnVenessUK and I'm sorry and I love you all.


Hello, I am another David, and I miss the Friday letters page. In 2021, I hope that Chunky Fringe will once again hitch a ride on Digitiser Live, and that you will be able to hear us at the back this time. Other things to look forward to next year include Stuart Ashen's Tatfest, and the now-annual online Teletext happening, which invariably features some classic Digitiser.

Sedric And Charlie

Erf, who am I? I really hate using my real name on 'tinternet but everyone calls me Sedric (Charlie is a different one of my characters). I am prrrrretty obviously a furry, and I spend my time writing stories (mostly a mixture of kinky smut and my other niche fascinations; I'm in the middle of NaNoWriMo right now), and making surrealist noise music, and _occasionally_ making splattery abstract digital drawings. I'm still working on getting an actual album of my music together, though there's a bit of a hold up for various reasons. It'll land in January, hopefully. I like ephemeral pop cultural detritus, old videogames, a wide variety of music from pop to avant garde gallery installations, and anything scary, spooky or weird. I never saw Digitiser in the 90s, but a friend of mine primed me for it later on by being so incredibly obsessed with it, and when Mr. Biffo's Found Footage arrived I was quick off the draw to start following it and getting into everything else surrounding it. I was at Digitiser Live/Chunky Fringe last year and loved it, and would've loved it this year too I'm sure, and will love it when we finally get to do it again next year, all being well. Didn't get to shake hands with any of the crew then, though I did briefly shake hands and chat with Mr. B at a Blackpool event where they previewed Digitiser The Show (he invited me to hang out with the others at the bar but I was too nervous and never took him up on it) I have a bandcamp at silenceinheavenrecords.bandcamp.com and some other stuff on the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/silence-in-heaven (I've never gotten around to consolidating them and I'm sure I never will) and am on social media as @SedricNCharlie; Mr. B has retweeted me once (I did the spoof script about Beanus trying to write a kids' TV show), but honestly you probably shouldn't follow my twitter because I'm a horny bastard and there is always the risk of my content being on the kinky side. All my writing is tucked away on furry sites, because it's dirty like a goujon


Hi Paul and Digi friends I'm simon in the letters page. Although I found Paul through his humour back in the teletext Digitiser days I am pleased to be amongst fans old or new. However you got here. I think the discord would spring to life if you started posting in there Paul. I also think the letters page is a unique format. I even started making teletext pages this year from making links with the teletext gang from that starting point. Hope you can bring back that side of Digi whatever form it takes. I like old junk and retro stuff. Popular culture and nerd stuff. weird things that are funny. I like vague blanket descriptors of myself. I also have a compulsion to make things. Like comics or interactive fiction. Mostly stuff that has pictures and story. I'm particular influenced by that weird mix of sci-fi and folklore that seems peculiar to growing up in the UK in the 70s and 80s. I'm @s_daly on the twitters. and at chip-fork.com (So named because of the mermaid on the box.) (Here's more brackets. Thanks)


Hello Digi Pals! My name is Amanda, I’m 33 and am a Brummie living in Massachusetts. I’m married, have an old cat and play an unhealthy amount of Animal Crossing. I love video games both new and retro, old electronics, sewing, eating (I cannot stress this enough) and online tomfoolery. Am currently thoroughly enjoying The Mandolorian, my Nintendo Switch, salted mixed nuts and the cold weather. I don’t use much social media anymore but am active on Discord - I would love a Digi Discord server if others are interested! If you want to add me to Discord my user name is space (amanda | cosmos)#2407 - am happy to send cat photos or just have a chat!


Hi James, there's already a Discord for Digi - https://discord.gg/MPedPW8G


Hello! I'm Zob, or Zobbster (because internet) and I've been a digi fan since the day it launched back on teletext. After that finished I found my way on Bubblegun and fell into the chat room, which like our older alt.digi cousins, turned into a rather nice gang of friends which stuck about for a few years, but seemed to have drifted somewhat recently. I'm knocking about in Discord and Twitter as @Zobbster, where I can mostly be found lamenting the political misdeeds of our overlords (yeah, sorry in advance) and laughing at random geeky shit. Frankly I need more retrogaming and, more importantly, Digi related things to distract me. And I'll be at the next Digi live jobbie, no matter where or when. You just try and stop me!


Alright pets, I am J Is Manchild. It is a name given to me by a night black crow on a gatepost during the night of a waxing moon. I post roughly once every two days on Twitter, which is a poor showing of social media efforts (@JaeHodgkin). I have a YouTube Channel which gets 2 videos a week generally. In it, I’m aiming to cover every Spectrum Game Based On A TV Show, and I’m two thirds there now. I also cover Games Based On Musicians, Flop Movies and other licensed nonsense like the 7 ET games that came out in 2002 that no one ever talks about, and the Amiga game Allo Allo: Cartoon Fun, which I introduced Kim Justice to. It’s got a tiny subscriber base, but two of them are Guru Larry and Slopes, so it can’t be too awful. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRW0r8dOWcNgi6MGe6pJo9A ). I’ve been a huge fan of Mr. Biffo for decades, and I would switch Digitiser onto Teletext as soon as my school bag hit the ground when I got home. He’s an incredibly strange man, and that is truly a magnificent thing. It’s a great community, and I look forward to the fun of Digi 2.0!

Matthew Scott

Ey up Paul (and the wider Digiettes). I’m Matt (sometimes known as RetroGubbins) and I’m not quite sure how I got sucked into the Digi world, although I’m glad I was! I don’t remember Teletext Digi aside from a vague memory that there was a gaming page on there and I completely missed Found Footage! But what I did find was a great group of people who are drawn to your mad-cap, slightly trippy, irreverent genius, and I got pulled along for the ride. Attending DigiLive is still an absolute highlight of my show circuit, and I still think back to it and love how it brought me to knowing such a fab group of people. I briefly met you after the show Paul, and you’re an absolute gent 👍 You can find me on Twitter @GeezerD205 and on YT https://www.youtube.com/RetroGubbins (I will post more videos at some point! 😄) This is a great idea Paul; you’re right about that community feel we had. DigiLive was an amazing experience and was just buzzing with such a great mix of people, and welcomed all (well, nearly all! 😉) Thanks for all the fun 👍


We do have a Discord that was set up for Digi the Show. I always forget to promote it though, so may set up a new one. I think I've forgotten the login deets!


Glad it's not just Digi that has kind of lost that feel. Thanks, Vicky.


We've got a lot to live up to with Digi Live 2.0 - we'll start planning in full after Christmas, I think. Thankfully, we'd planned quite a lot of it before you-know-what happened...


It makes me happy to know that people discovered us through Ashens et al. Thank you, Steve.


Also, the contestant who hid under the desk in Mockety-Mock...


You're in good company here when it comes to social anxiety, Thom.


Cheers, Kevin. Even when the channel gets back to 'normal', I want to keep Sanja as a big part of it.


All the more reason to bring back the Digi Letters Page. This week, I think! Take care of yourself, Dave.


Always lovely to hear from those who found Digi Live a worthwhile event, despite worries. It was one of the best things I've ever been involved in for that alone.


Had no idea so many people on here came via Ashens. We owe that boy.


David - another key player in Digi Live's success, and we're hugely grateful for it!


I'll try to post in the Discord a bit more often. It has been tough sometimes juggling everything - I'm waaaay behind with catching up on YouTube comments - but between Sanja and I, we should be able to manage it.


Zobbster is very much of The Old Guard. Love that you're still around.


Hello! I'm WhatHoSnorkers, and I discovered Digitiser through Octav1us, and for a long old time I thought it was all a parody thing like Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Apparently it's not! I just completely missed it even though Bamboozled was a daily visit. I make little videos on YouTube about games I type in from old books and magazines. https://www.youtube.com/c/JamesOGradyWhatHoSnorkers

Sedric And Charlie

Hold on wait, I missed a key piece of information. There's *already* a Digitiser discord? I did not know this, where is it?


Hello you beautiful people. I'm Treacle and I'm old enough to remember when Digi launched on Teletext. I was an occasional Bubblegunner (still got my snakes "I cuss you bad" T-shirt) and rediscovered Digi when I got on Twitter about five years ago. I have an istagram that contains nowt but photos of my dad's cat and the other felines that visit his house, not even posted any pics of my own hairy baby on it yet. I'm @treacletruffle on Twitter where I am uninteresting to an almost magical degree.


A bit late to the party, but wanted to say hello! I'm Simon King (sometimes known as ShadowTD, a very very old online handle I can't seem to ditch). Just another consumer of Digi, although I do have YouTube and Twitter for various reasons. I'm a tech nerd, but I'm also in to rollercoasters and motorbikes. Like many others I've been following El Biff since Teletext - I was originally Not A Fan of all the sillyness that went on and wished he would just Get On With It. But then my Dad introduced me to Monty Python and there was a blinding realisation of all the glorious nonesene I was getting for free on a regular basis. The rest is, as they say, history. I was never hugely in to the Digi community (although I was aware of Super Page 58) but I spent the whole day at Digi Live last year and it was incredible - met Mr Jaws19 (thoroughly lovely chap) and was able to say hello to so many lovely nerds. https://www.youtube.com/user/ShadowTD https://twitter.com/shadowtd


Hello I'm Nicola and I have a face on the front of my head, so I'm very relatable. I do streams with my wife over on https://twitch.tv/NikkiandBunty and post "jokes" on https://twitter.com/NikkiandBunty . I used to read Digitiser every day on Teletext, and had a letter published once. I am very depressed.


Hi, I'm Lizzie I'm 27 and live just outside London all the way out in zone 8. I'm an all round nerd, but also channeling my inner granny as I love to knit. I discovered Digi through Barshens and have been an avid watcher and long time lurker ever since! Digi always really makes me chuckle, Biffo and Sanja are the funniest couple ever, and clearly made for each other XD Another thing love about Digi is that feels like it's part of this lovely little community online with people like Ashens, Cheapshow, Octy and with Ash Frith too. I love how you all pop up in each other's pods and videos, and the fan bases seem to cross over. I'm not big on social media but am on insta @thrutheeyesoflizzie if you like infrequent pictures of random gubbins! P. S. I still have the gotta go flamingo song stuck in my head.


I'm Steph I've just turned 40, I used to write into digitiser using pen and paper in 1995. I am old. I'm gardening_gay on Instagram and @Melancholic4eva on the Twitter. I have a very serious real job but if the vaccines work out I'm going to give stand up comedy another crack and go clubbing in soho for several weekends at a time. I have no friends, not really, had some real losses and changes the last two years. I love South Park, Mexican food, cocktails, walks in the forest, complex flawed women, sitting in the dark listening to Depeche Mode, playing Mega Drive games, dancing to Kylie in the sunshine and photography. Roll on September and please do add me on your socials, I'm nice, unless you are a Tory...

Stephen Campbell

Hello there I am 36 called Stephen and this is on behalf of myself and partner Rebecca and our 2 cats and recently acquired dog. I am a fibromyalgia sufferer and only got my diagnosis this year after 10 years in financial services and that rather ruined everything. I was an avid digitiser and bamboozler back in the day and it was amazing to see this all start up again. I am a total nerd and love the games (I own around 16 home systems and 7 handhelds) but I also love Paul's surreal humour and sanja is just a great companion/foil for biffo who is pretty all action


Hello, I am Kelvin, and I am a 40 year old man who somehow spends his days writing and drawing tabletop role-playing games, which would blow the mind of the 16 year old version of me. I loved reading Digitiser as a youngster, and I don't remember how I reconnected with it, but it was probably via the Digitiser2000 blog. I'm very pleased to see Biffo still out there doing things like no one else does. I have a twitter (@thekelvingreen) and an instagram (thekelvingreen) and a blog no one reads (http://kelvingreen.blogspot.com/) and you will occasionally see me making a tit of myself in Biffo's Youtube comments. I was eligible for a ticket for Digi Live but I didn't go because I was scared.


Hi, my name's Abi, I'm 46 & from Leeds. I discovered Digitiser through Ashens when Found Footage came out (I discovered Ashens from his Noseybonk appearance on Screenwipe). We had an Amstrad when I was a kid, apart from that I'm not much of a gamer. I do love watching content made by the retro gaming folk associated with Digi as it's all interesting, well made & funny.


Bit late to the party here (somehow missed this post at the time) but I'm Kathy, 37 and originally from Essex but now in Somerset. I remember Digitiser from the '90s, when I read it most days but ended up semi-ragequitting due to the 'six levels? Mario World has 96!' line in the Sonic 3 review! I was VERY into Sega and Sonic in particular (although Sonic 3 never grabbed me like Sonics 2 or CD, but whatevs.) and I was 11 years old at the time too, right in the middle of the console wars. Then after being an Ashens fan since 2012 or 2013 (severe insomnia leading to my finding the century egg video at 3am) I saw Digi reappearing via Barshens, at which point I thought 'oh no, not that wanker'. (Sorry Paul!) But I'm happy to say that I've been completely won over, and I'm now only 1-2% bitter about Sonic 3, down from about 98%! :D I'm a changed woman with a Patreon bill, Schwenk stickers, and a Scottish ghost chilling in my living room. As well as being a reformed character, I'm also a creative type and aging cybergoth, and still bitter that, as a keyworker, I had to work throughout 2020 (but grateful that my income was fine.) Next year I plan to be more creative and less fat.