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I know I've parped my own horn about this episode of Lost Footage a fair bit already... but it's such a step up, and it is - in isolation - one of the things I've done that I'm most proud of. I hope you'll be able to see the ridiculous amount of work that has gone into it. 

The Lost Footage videos haven't done great on the channel, and even getting anybody to share or tweet about them has been a challenge - which is odd, given that the Found Footage was pretty darn popular. But, admittedly, I've not hyped them as much as I did that series, as they were initially made up of odds and ends... 

Therefore, before this goes out publicly I'm going to try and give it some sort of push. Really, it stands apart as its own thing anyway... so even though it's technically the second part of the episode that started with The Early Years... it's really quite distinct and unique - from both that and anything else.

That said, it's pretty niche. In some ways, perhaps even more niche than Found Footage in its own way... though I've been heading in this direction, albeit subconsciously at first, ever since I unexpectedly brought the series back. It was a fun bit of nostalgia initially, but I knew I wanted to push what the series could be, and what I was capable of, rather than just repeat myself.

This time, I've really tried to make something that's as much influenced by music... in that I'm trying to use music in conjunction with the comedy to provoke a feeling. The juxtapositions are more about the incongruity of weird ideas with a sublime soundtrack. I hope that, ultimately, it's uplifting and life-affirming. Yes, it's funny... but I've tried to make it something a bit more than that this time. I won't try to explain it - some of it is quite personal - but by all means go on your own journey.

Chris has done some amazing work with the music, but I've also used music from Three Sistas And The Moustache Lady - because it fit SO perfectly with the theme - and put together a bunch of stuff in Garageband myself. Chris ain't going nowhere, and I love collaborating with him - plus, I can only do so much - but hopefully he doesn't mind me slightly treading on his musical toes.

Anyhow... you get to have a look at it before it goes up for everyone a week today, while I have a think about how to ensure it finds its audience. 

Here's The End (for best results, watch The Early Years first): 




I don’t mind. X


This is amazing. Genuinely stunning. Loved it


Beautiful stuff this.

Tyronne Mann

Oh that last bit really, really does not pull any punches and shows a great deal of maturity that many will not be expecting and as such has more of an impact - how some handle that is going to be interesting to see. Personally I really liked it.


Cheers, t-dog. Likewise very interested to see the reactions...