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Happy Monday, all.

For those of you following the progress of the next episode of Lost Footage, here's the first almost completed sequence. Do not watch if you're wanting to see the whole thing complete! 

Because it's quite different, and much more part of a whole than the usual stuff, I'm not totally sold on this yet. It's possible this might change, as there may be something missing for me, and I won't really know until I see it in the context of the entire episode. At the very least, I'll probably change the text at the start.

But anyhow, for those who want to see it... here's the sequence we're calling Lenin's Womb:


I've begun putting together the next sequence, but the challenge will be making each section distinct. I worry that this style and pace might get tiresome over an entire episode, so I want to ensure that it's broken up with some more manic stuff. Again, it's ensuring the pace and flow is right. It's like a rollercoaster; some parts are the hills that chug their way to the top, before you're released to soar down the hill.


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