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Hello y'all. Hope you're doing okay.

Here's a short animation test I put together, that I though you might like to see. It'll be part of Lost Footage, but probably not the next episode. I want to have a crack at some longer-form animation, so it'll likely be something I'll work on over the next few weeks, and I'll keep you updated with progress as we go.


I'm waiting on some music and some VoiceOver to come in, and then I'll start putting the ep together properly. Hopefully you might get it at some point this week.

I've also bought a new pop-up green screen. Not sure what we'll be using it for, but we might have a bit of a play around with it today.

In terms of what's coming up this week, I'm not totally sure. I keep teasing that we'll be sharing Digitiser Live, but every time I go to do it, I kind of hesitate. I'd always hoped to use it to give Digitiser Live ticket sales a boost closer to the date, so I think that's sort of making me drag my heels. The more I tease the more likely I am to make it go live - though most of you should've seen it already - so maybe today. Maybe.

Sanja and I might do a live stream at some point, but given the issues wef had with the buffering and whatnot last time we might just record it 'as live', and put it out as a premiere. We'll see. One way or another, we need to find somewhere to sit other than the sofa, as that buggered up my ageing back last time!

What about you lot? What do you want to see from us at the minute? We're here for you, so tell us what you want!




Still got that electric butt plug? How about extreme Trivial Persuit?


I wouldn't mind having a podcast thing, should you have the stuff you can do that'll fit what your interested in doing. You share a lot with the CheapShow guy's you could always ask if you can throw it on there feed if you don't fancy sorting out your own. Love to hear whatever you come up with if you use that medium. I realise that doesn't give you much of an idea but you do a little of everything lol. At least using just an audio format should mean you don't have to worry about what it looks like, hell, you can do it in your pants!


I keep toying with the idea of a podcast. I really, really want to do one, my only hesitation is in spreading ourselves too thinly - and getting overworked and burnt-out like I did last year! We have one idea that we wanted to do, but I'm not sure now's the time for that one. Watch this space, though. Sanja has in fact been doing an audio editing course for precisely this reason...


I’d like to hear about the process that brings ideas from your mind onto the screen. Do you run them past others to gauge a reaction or is it a case of doing then verbatim and sticking to the original artistic vision? Etc...


This is something I'll definitely do. Had a few people ask for this, so I'll try and get on it.


I love this Paul. The fact that it's slightly wonky adds to the overall creepiness of it. Genuine question; Do you find Found Footage funnier or creepy to watch back? If you see what I mean. Do you focus on the funny side? BTW, please do another live stream.


I want to see The Dance of The Seven Biffos. Dead sexy like. Get cloning.


A live quiz or something along those lines would be good fun. Something along the lines of the ones on the Digi full episodes, but not necessarily retro gaming. The kind of thing you might do with Gannon or Eli, but with everyone.


I'd think just you recording yourselves answering some of the questions you got off twitter and stuff but just recorded as live rather than streamed would work well. That way you don't have so many issues to worry about and you can sit how you like since you're so damn old(you're literally only 4 years older than me but I can still say this). Either way is good but even though time is a bit meaningless now, I still only saw the replay of the stream myself being I think it's usually 5 hours difference over here? Something like that. So a Digitiser Unplugged style recorded live video with question answering and whatever other things pop into your heads would be fun.