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Here we go then. Episode 2 of Digitiser Deluxe - the video that has given me the biggest headache since, oooh, Digitiser the Show. 

But it's a damned good one, I think. Hope you all like it. Ash Frith is another excellent addition to our revolving line-up of special guests.

Next week's ep will be all about death, and once again features the excellent Sooz Kempner, on a team with Digi's resident musical maestro, Mr Christopher Jerden-Cooke.




I'm going to be extra naughty and watch this at work, right now


I'm off to make a ham sandwich, have a craving for one for some odd reason.


I watched at work... my colleagues are wondering why my eyes are streaming. They wouldn't understand, poor things 😂


What gives with the arrows in the thumbnails?


I'd like to think a tribute to ham would be much like the Jamon Experience in Barcelona, now sadly closed. https://irbarcelona.org/barcelona-museums/jamon-experience-ham-museum/


Ah, I once stayed just round the corner from there, and it was indeed the inspiration behind A Tribute To Ham! Sorry to hear it's closed.


Loved this - high lolz. Gannon’s shirt was a dazzler. More please.