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So, been doing a bit of thinking about the channel in recent weeks, and talking it through with Sanja. 

We've got an incredibly loyal core audience - sales of Digi Live certainly demonstrate that - but it has been telling that for the last couple of months we've been struggling to grow. In terms of new subscribers... we've absolutely flatlined. There's no other way to put it. For every few subscribers we gain, we lose a few. And it's starting to concern me. 

The last big boost we got was when Ashens was on. Prior to that, we were growing steadily. Since December... nothing. 

I've tried using different sorts of thumbnails, I've tried promoting the episodes differently, I launched the live show in the hopes it might give us a boost. Nothing is working.

So the issue is the format and the content. I know that we've lost a lot of followers since ditching the games stuff - and they may still be wandering away, gradually - but not enough to have made a major difference. I think it's a more fundamental problem. 

It has also been interesting to see which videos have done well, and which haven't, in the last two months. Admittedly, they do tend to grow steadily over time - most of our older videos, barring a few, are now nudging up against 10,000 views or more. 

It's more about seeing the effect the videos are having on subscribers. In all honesty, it kind of chimes with the videos which I've considered are most successful. When Digi doesn't seem to work is when there is no point to the videos. Playing games, for the sake of it, doesn't do particularly well. The science ones don't tend to. Magic vids don't. Whereas videos of us trying food, for instance, have an immediate level of interest.

I think - and it might just be a gut feeling - that people need a reason to tune in beyond all the madness and surreal stuff, and the (shudder) bants. They need to feel they're getting something out of it (even if we completely upend that and it goes off the rails spectacularly). People have a lot of demands for their time, and if all they're getting from us every week is the same sort of nonsense that doesn't fill them up anyway... well, they can easily skip a meal. Every video needs to be appointment viewing, and feel nourishing. It needs to have value.

In terms of what you're going to see on screen, I don't think you'll notice a major difference really (plus it's going to take some time to put into action). What will change is how we approach the episodes behind-the-scenes. We're going to start thinking harder about every one of them, to find a hook. It'll be, perhaps, more consumer magazine show-like, I guess. More reviews, or "How to...?" or "Can we...?" or "What happens if we...?"-style videos. 

Without losing any of what you enjoy. So we'll still keep all the stupid characters, the cutaways, etc. Still keep the core team. We just need to pose a question in each video to make potential viewers curious. 

I think the episodes might become more personal too - people have really responded to the two eps with Sanja and I, so it makes sense to capitalise on our chemistry together. 

The other thing which I think might make a difference is something I've wrestled with since last year, and that's the level of adult humour. It says a lot when Sanja and I are kind of too embarrassed to share our own videos with friends and family. And I'm sure we're not alone. That, I feel, does make a major difference to the word of Digi being spread.

I get that filth is very much Cheapshow's ballpark, but I admit that at first I found it really off-putting. I stuck with it because of Paul, and it was only then that I really got it - when I gave it time. I saw what they were going for, responded to the relationship between Paul and Eli. I mean, now I think it's genius, but that's only because I gave it the time to get under my skin.

On YouTube there is, if anything, even more competition. It's telling that this weekend's video saw people switch off far earlier than normal. Probably because it started with a bunch of stupid puppets having a dance. Yeah, it was funny - but if that's your first experience of a Digi Mini you might not want to continue. And from there it descends into a very graphic card game, which I do feel a bit uncomfortable to have been a part of.

I accept that this might sound weird coming from the man who put The Real Turner The Worm on Teletext, but I really struggle with that sort of stuff.

Years ago, I got an American agent after wining a screenwriting competition. The feedback we got on my script that he was trying to sell was that it wasn't adult enough. That it needed to be more edgy and graphic. But that isn't me. I don't want every joke to be about sex. It's kind of the easiest thing in the world to do, unless you're being really creative with it. It's part of why I've stopped pursuing adult comedy in my day job, because I started getting the sense that if a script wasn't packed with references to sex and loads of swearing then commissioners weren't interested.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think you can be grown-up - albeit in an immature way - without resorting to that common denominator for every gag. I want to be able to watch stuff with my kids, and smirk because the more adult references go over their heads. I love family shows which are cheeky, not graphic. 

If you look at Found Footage, there's zero swearing in that. There's no real graphic adult content, beyond being a bit suggestive, yet I think I managed that without it ever feeling like a compromise, or that it was watered down in any way. It was about ideas, not about shocking people.

Heck, even in the Minis it's rare that I'll be the one to make jokes about wanking or anything. It just isn't me. And I do, in the edit, take out as much of that sort of stuff as I can already. So, from now on... everyone who appears on the channel will be briefed. 

We can still be cheeky, and naughty, we won't compromise on tone, we'll still be distinctly Digi, but it'll come to be that much more PG13. Which Digi always was. So, innuendos aplenty, but nothing overtly graphic. It'll make it all that much more true to myself, and it'll force us all to be a little cleverer and more creative, and perhaps fall back on the weirdness and surrealism that I think is more my stock-in-trade. 

So, that's it really. Just a brain-dump of an update on where the channel might be going, and where it's at. If we can't grow it... I dunno what I'll try next. But I'm not giving up anytime soon. I enjoy it too much. I know we've got a really passionate core audience - thank you, all of you. 

And yes, before you all reply saying "You should do it because you love it, not for views"... well, okay. Not really helpful. 

I don't think there's been a creative person in history who didn't want their work to be seen. And besides, this isn't about compromise, or trying to find the widest possible audience. I'm not watering down anything. It's about listening to myself, and making the channel more true to me, and getting the message out there to people who are on the same page, so that the channel will continue for years to come.




Obviously always critically looking at your work is important, but the way growth has always worked on youtube, and this is especially true in recent years is that you get spurts. No one grows linearly, what you're doing in the flat growth times is just upping the odds that one of your videos goes huge and you get another spurt. The most important thing is consistency, growth follows that. Chasing growth leads to inconsistency, which could work, but is the riskier strategy.


Hopefully I made clear that it isn't really about chasing growth. It's more seeing how the channel was growing and now... isn't. And hasn't been for a while. Ultimately, this comes back to me wanting to ensure I make stuff that I feel is more in line with my own sensibilities.


It's written in the bible of YouTube that subscribers and viewers always tank at the start of a new year, there is next to nothing on ad revenue and folk are still trying to go to the gym or read 50 books instead of watching YouTube. Views and sub numbers should start picking up soon. I hope so at least. Looking forward to see your plans come to life soon.


I dunno really if that's an issue. There are plenty of UK channels which do alright without pandering to an international audience. Plus... I'm always surprised at the number of subscribers we have from overseas.


That's a great idea, giving each episode a core point to focus around! Shame to say it but the clickbaity titles do work (especially so if done subtly), and the self-restriction of keeping things PG is an interesting thought too! I do agree wholeheartedly with putting limits on falling back on the basic and graphic adult gags while still retaining a sly bit of adult subtext, and as I always say any kind of humour that can be subversive and surreal always pays off more than just waving a sausage around (that being said, I did come from cheapshow and I had a similar experience you described about being a bit put off at first, but now embrace the filth lol). Wish I knew how to help grow the audience, but it's great to hear you wanna line Digi up with your core media and comic values


Hah! Yeah - I'm awful at doing clickbait! I always feel dirty.


I must admit I did switch off after the puppet fun as I’m not into those card games or confessions, saw plenty of that in Uni and tbh there are some things I don’t need to know 😂


Very briefly, my thoughts... I found Paul's smut funny - the electronic horse racing Digi episode had me in gales of laughter - but even a few months later it now feels a little laboured. This isn't a reflection on Paul but more the feeling that if I want those comments and content, I can find it on Cheapshow. Love Eli btw, he's really grown on me. So yeah, maybe the restrictions on what you can get away with will lead to a new and creative way of getting the implications across without the need to be so graphic. We're all grown-ups (?), we can work stuff out. Puppets and magic tricks (even bad ones) are dull. Genuinely trying to do something properly and failing is funny; half-heartedly trying and knowing it will fail, less so.


One person. wants puppets... another person finds them dull. This is why, ultimately, I just have to listen to myself.


I watch every video, usually multiple times, but sometimes I skip bits. You can't please everyone all the time! Personally I (and I'm probably going to get murdered for this but...) don't like Beanus. That's another discussion for another day, however, and despite that I still watch the videos with him in. If you do go with the family friendly entertainment route (which is totally fine imo) I worry we might lose sweary Fat Sow!


Nah, Fat Sow won't change. I might bleep a few swears. Though that said, I find her funniest when she's angry and spouting weird "You're like a..."-type insults.


This has made me do a big smile :) Like that one there! Cheapshow really isn't my thing, and there have been videos I've skipped 95% of because I wanted Digi and not an episode of Cheapshow. But that's just me! Whatever route you take you'll still have my support.


It's a shame to hear that you've skipped so many videos, but I do hear you. Digi is its own thing, ultimately, and Cheapshow is its own thing, even though there are obvious areas of crossover. And Paul and Eli - when they're together - have a massive energy, and it does become about them, inevitably. I feel more comfortable when it's me and one other person at the desk anyway, which is kind of the way forwards now, I think.


I know you've firmly moved into the 'behind a desk doing stuff' format, but I think some of the best videos on the Digitiser channel were the very early Minis. These were the ones that were in a more documentary style, with you doing a voiceover over clips & animations with a good mix of the serious & on-brand humour being thrown in at various points. I know it means finding a topic you want to cover & time to research, which isn't always optimal/possible, but I'd really like to see these make a comeback to add a bit of variety to the output if you find something you want to cover.


I've thought about it, but I'm probably not going to do more of those documentary format-type things, except - maybe - as something within another video. I'm not really sure how much I enjoyed them, and they ended up being a lot of effort for not a lot of reward ultimately. Never say never, but for me it's not really what I want the channel to be about. That said, the filming we're doing next week does get us out from behind the desk, so we're hopefully going to be mixing it up a bit going forwards.


I'm a little bit surprised that the magic videos don't do better, honestly me and my gf find those to be really enjoyable and funny, to the point where whenever one of us messes something up we follow it up with your impression of Brucie saying magic :P (That said, I also got a good chuckle from the Marillion/Ocean Cloud bit a few videos ago, especially the authenticity of it with the whole "Racket Records" coming up in the bottom left!) As far as changes go, as unhelpful as it sounds, do what's right for you.


Hello, Paul, thank you for this post, which is simultaneously personal and insightful. It doesn't help you to have people suggesting things, I know but if you'll forgive me, I'd like to share my opinion on the general topic. I enjoy almost all of your content and if you are involved, I am interested. While I don't think I will ever enjoy anything as much as Digitiser the Show, I have backed and enjoyed Found Footage, the Digitiser 2000 site etc and will always appreciate the content you produce and your respect (care?) you have for your fans. I think that you have said something important in today's update - I feel that you need a little structure. What makes you special, other than your genuinely underrated (non-comedy) writing skills is your ability to be incredibly creative within what appear to be normal situations. I'd liken you to a comedic David Lynch in the respect that it appears normal from the beginning but we soon see that it isn't. I do miss the games content but you don't need it - more important I feel is a base, or something to hang everything else on e.g. games in Digitiser. I think that the Xenoxx storyline probably fulfilled this role, perhaps inadvertently, in Found Footage. By way of example, the 'dancing puppets' video. The individual components are all good and could make for entertaining videos but again, I think a bit more structure would have helped - just my opinion (I might be talking rubbish). Adult card games etc. are not my kind of thing nor are some of the 'sweary' bits (not offended by them, just not amused either) so I admit I didn't enjoy that part but I am sure that plenty of people did. I am biased towards the game stuff, I admit but I enjoy the non-games videos much more than I expected to and watch them all, which again, I didn't think I would. The ones that work the best for me are things like the taste tests/archaeology, not so much because of the crisps but it gives you and the others a natural platform to do what you do without it being 'about' you. I am not sure if that makes sense. For me it's the difference between a Stewart Lee stand-up show and TMWRNJ - I get that stand-up is the pure experience (and maybe better) but the limits of daytime TV made them create a brilliant show unlike anything else - for me it's all about structure but I do admit that I know nothing about it and that you should probably ignore me. Please forgive my presumptuousness in suggesting things. I look forward to what you come up with next.


Get more of that Gammon idiot onscreen, he could well be the next Jim Bowen! It does infuriate me that really terrible youtube channels have millions of subs and seemingly unlimited funds to produce their guff that I have no interest in at all yet smaller channels like yours that I could watch all day struggle to grow. Am I that much of a weirdo that this stuff appeals to me? But hey what can you do? Ultravox's Vienna was kept off the top spot in 1981 by Joe Dolce's Shaddap You Face which proves to me the general public are flipping idiots.


Nope, not unhelpful at all. In fact, that's the most helpful thing you could've said, James. Thank you!


I think we're on the same page, John, in terms of all of it. It's something that Gannon has been telling me for ages, but... in all honesty, I've felt so beholden to keeping the website going that I was left with less time for planning videos - as opposed to winging them. A YouTube channel, plus organising a live show etc, plus a day job, PLUS a daily website... something had to give. I had way, way, way too much going on last year. So, this has all come about, in part, because the website is now taking a backseat, so I can focus more fully on the videos for all the reasons you state. That said, as I hope you've all noticed, there have been more updates on here as a result too, just because of the freedom to be able to talk about what I want, rather than being locked into one topic. Thanks for your considered response. It's very much appreciated.


Thanks for this post, Paul. It is very important that you make something that you are happy with, and comfortable with, so I'm very happy to hear that you will be trying to do that. Regarding the swearing etc., I agree it didn't really seem to fit into the Digi-style (not that everything Digi-related that you do now needs to be constrained the same as something with a million readers 25 years ago!). I remember the first time I saw a slightly rude reader's comment on a article on D2K, back in the early months, probably just something relatively innocuous like "tits", and was a little shocked! I hadn't been on Twitter long at the time, so was maybe a little naive! I'm more used to it now.


I don’t think I can think of a video I haven’t enjoyed, there’s been a few that have been a bit more “ordinary” than others. I think it’s the variety and randomness that appeal across the board. I think most viewers are drawn in by the sense of humour and that is probably what limits your growth at the same time. I know you put a lot of effort into each video and it’s as important that you enjoy doing it as it is to have a huge subscription base. Sometimes bigger isn’t better.


I can't go on much since I'm old and haven't figured out how to do paragraph breaks on here yet. Programming random stuff on my C64 ages ago didn't prepare me for this! Anywho, think you have some good ideas and I like a lot of what you suggest. However, I do enjoy Gannon's puppetry since you know he genuinely has in the past witnessed that crappy side of youtube posts and those can always use a good thrashing. I also prefer when Gannon gets dirty but you try and dissuade him while also laughing because you know it's funny. That's almost better than straight dick jokes. I will also say that the episode with the archaeology toys is a fave since adding Sanja to you and Gannon worked really well. Both pairs of you are great but to sometimes get the whole group in is fun in a whole new way. Now if you've read this far please tell me how to do paragraph breaks without hitting enter as this is killing me.


I think you're right about framing the videos' with a clear premise to bring in more "casual" viewers. As amusing as "Coppa explained by puppets" was as a video, it was half an hour with two completely unrelated parts, so maybe being a bit more Ronseal, and doing what it says on the tin will help.


Jason: Shift + return Will sort you out! Biffo - you're a talented guy and the videos are heading in the right direction. I don't have any helpful suggestions though, sorry!


Cheers, John. Yeah, it has been weighing on me for a while, I admit. I don't think I'm remotely a prude - I mean, heck, I love Cheapshow, and that's as crude as it gets - it's more just wanting to put my name to stuff that I'm comfortable with showing people, and ensuring Digi retains its own identity.


Well, that is lovely to know. We're always going to remain niche, just because my sensibilities are pretty niche. This isn't about finding the widest possible audience, just ensuring we reach the right audience.


That's okay! I wasn't looking for any suggestions or feedback, so thank you is all I have to say to you, Richard! It's good to know that people are passionate about the channel though.


I’ve always been a great believer in humour without loads of potty mouth, maybe cuz it removes the funny shock value when they are really needed, like when they used the one swear they were allowed in some Xmen film by having Wolverine tell young Patrick Stewart to ‘go fuck himself’


Interestingly... I've been really taken aback by the swearing in Picard. Feels really superfluous.


I love how you and Paul have a different dynamic to Cheapshow, he's almost the Eli in your relationship and so it feels very different. You're the grown-up (at times), even when Eli is on, Gannon becomes the but of jokes and there's another kind of chemistry there. You're also very respectful of each other's shows. You have the kind of thing where vulgarity and profanity isn't needed for it to be good, I love how childish it can be. It reminds me of Saturday morning TV shows like Going Live where they would say cheeky things and there's a sly look to the camera for the parent's. Without sounding cheesy (Pardon the pun considering your last video), but it's really nice seeing you and Sanja doing things together because it's clear how much you care about each other. Those little looks and giggles are really sweet and on-screen relationships like that are rare and will encourage people back to watch more of it. Sorry, on my lunch, thought I'd type an essay...


I completely get this. Be more Carry On, less Keith Lemon The Movie. Cheapshow's unique style of humour is hard to swallow for some (oo-er!), and the two things should be distinct. I've felt this way for a while, but always been too scared to leave a critical comment. Glad that you and so many patrons think the same!

Tyronne Mann

How about say once a month or so, have a live chat with yourself and whoever else you can get hold off - as the joy with that is that you do not need to be in the same place, they only need a web cam to join in and talk the toot with people. in the live chat. You could talk about the last month, movies you have seen - blimey anything really (within reason :) ) and just let things be fluid with no rhyme and reason for the hour or so....just start if up and see where it takes everyone ...have a few moderators in to stop the bots and then just let the brain farts take over :)


As always, generally... if the audience as a whole is thinking/feeling it... so am I.