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So, we can now reveal the date for this year's Digitiser Live spectacular: Saturday July 25th. Tickets will be £20, which I know is more than last time, but we're risking a bit more, given that last time it was paid out of the Kickstarter fund. £10 was extremely low, I'm sure you'll agree, for a three hour show, plus Chunky Fringe, and I ended up delving into my own pocket to pay for everything (as did David Walford for CF). 

I hope you'll appreciate that £20 is still at the low end by the standards of most comedy shows and productions (I went to see Magic Goes Wrong before Christmas, and the tickets were an eyewatering £75!!!).

We will, of course, ensure that any extra we make will be ploughed back into the production.

We're once again going to be at Harrow Arts Centre. Two reasons for that: firstly, it's actually pretty easy to get to, with both Euston and Watford Junction - mainline stations - being only a stop or three away. There's also good access to motorways and whatnot. There are places to stay in Watford and Harrow, and of course Hatch End is actually a nice part of London, rather than one of the scary bits in the middle. 

Plus, frankly, it means we don't have to cart all our costumes, props and set dressing to the other end of the country. And there will be lots of props and costumes, as always. You know me. So, thank you in advance if you're prepared to make the trek to see us. We'll make sure it's worth it. 

Harrow Arts Centre also has the benefit of having space for Chunky Fringe, which is hopefully going to be another key aspect of the day. I know a lot of you enjoyed it very much last time, and with the social element of you all being in one place it made for a unique event. I'm hoping to be a bit more involved in Chunky Fringe this time. We'll also see if they can possibly open the bar during the afternoon, so you're not all hanging around in the carpark.

We've also found a solution to the ticket issue; you will be emailed tickets, with a barcode on them, which will be scanned at the door. You know: like a proper event! That should make the whole thing less of a faff than before (though to be honest, the only reason we did it with the guest list previously was because half of the people coming were backers). 

I'm toying with the possibility of not having an interval. I know many of you will want to go and grab a drink, but getting people back from the bar last time meant that we overran. Our scheduled 15 minute interval went on for over half an hour. We might also start a little earlier - possibly 6.30pm or 7pm. This will give us more time to hang around and chat afterwards. 

That too we hope to structure a bit better; we may decamp to a corner of the bar (which I never even made it into last year, despite desperately wanting a beer) and hold court from there. 

In terms of what the show will contain... I think we've a good idea of what worked best, so we're looking at making it more focused. Old games will be the rather loose topic we'll hang all the nonsense onto, but I've an idea for how we can give a bit more focus to it. We'll reveal that on the night.

At the minute, I can confirm that Gannon and I will be the main hosts. Octav1us will likely be involved in some capacity - which is lovely news. Possibly Larry too. Last time we found that four people on the desk at any one time was a bit much, and Gannon and I being the gobshites that we are don't really let anybody get a word in. Also, we want to see if we can scale up some of the more popular elements of the Digi Minis to fill the hall... Brucie magic show? Quite possibly...

We've already spoken to at least one potential guest, who is very up for being involved, but there will be more. There'll be video sequences once again, as I know they went down well. But we also want to surprise, so the less I tell you the better. Just know that I'm not one for doing things by halves, and I want to make this show bigger, better, funnier, and more unexpected than last time. We're no longer beholden to the format of Digitiser The Show, so we can really cut loose.

Admittedly, we're taking a a bit of a punt, given that last time we booked the venue we'd essentially sold over half the tickets in advance, via the Digitiser The Show Kickstarter. I'm a little nervous about whether we're going to be able to fill the hall - not least because Gannon's planning a separate Cheapshow event later in the year, and there's obvious audience crossover - but I think all of you who were there last time will hopefully want to do it all again, and be able to tell people just what a special day it was. 

It's gonna be good!



Looking forward to it!


Oh blimey


Smashing stuff.


I'll be there.


You had me at Digitiser Live 2.0. Now that Octav1us is likely to be involved, shut up and take my money!

Tyronne Mann

Counting down the days to when I can get my two tickets...Is there any chance that patrons could be given a 24hr window for us to get tickets before they go on general sale ?


This is an excellent idea! We might even do a 48 hour window. Good suggestion, Tyronne.


I'll get on to booking train tickets and a hotel now! :)


£20 is a steal for this I reckon. If I lived anywhere near London, I'd pay more than double that to see you all in person (sadly I live in Aberdeen, £200 away by train, so I probably won't I'm afraid!)


I used to live in Aberdeen and you can fly to Heathrow for much less than £200. Worth a look if you haven't already because with so much notice it would maybe be around £60.

Christopher Smith

hmm so looking at the venue can get the Tube from Watford. Lets see if I can convince (force) my friends to join me in the silliness.


Count me in... guess I should look at booking myself some flight


Which patreon tier includes free round trip flight tickets for american fans???


Couldn’t attend last year, however this year I’m on a saving mission, so will have the money to attend and look forward to seeing all the madcap hilarity, live.