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Ch-ch-ch-ch-check-it-out! New Digi vid time - and it's another Biffo/Gannon/Eli threesome. This time we're sort of doing some actual gaming stuff, as we look at a bunch of old Tomy handhelds. Inevitable diversions ensue... Observe it below.

Now... in other news... I've been thinking about what I can do to give a bit of extra value on Patreon, especially as I want to take on less paid, day job, work next year. We've only got the one tier, and though it's obviously only a suggested amount, most people only really sign up at that $1/70p-ish level - and for that they get the same as those paying $5... $10... $25 or more.

Now, I don't want to take away the exclusive stuff that has lured people here - so the early access vids for all will be staying - but if I were to offer additional things for those at higher levels... it'd be interesting to hear some ideas of you might like to see.




I don't know how committed everyone else would be, but I would pay up to $10/month for any other additional content here, it's a perfectly normal standard to pay $5-$10 for bonus content. Personally, I think the exclusive vids and work are more valuable than early access, but more Digi is aaaaalways welcome! ;)


You could always step HOW early people get access to videos, just a day or two. Plus I like Nostalgia Nerds way where for large tier patrons they get a prize of some kind every quarter - although obvisously that needs financial balancing. Seeing as quite a lot of your patrons are probably also content creators i'm sure they'll be interested in getting some exposure for their cash


A monthly Digi themed badge or a wrapper from a can of beans signed by beanus once a month would make me up my tier. Or even a monthly picture of an Amiga in peril. I like the idea of the last one the most. Maybe just adding an extra £5 tier with a monthly live q+a/ramble session would be a good start and be less hassle?


you mentioned that you do the mail opening as a warm up before you record the main vids. Release those to the £5 or more patreons. I like to see behind the main video stuff so seeing those would be nice no matter how rough the content editing is.


A quarterly treat in the post for ~£20 a month and up would be appealing to lots of people. For ~£10 a month a Beanus Fanclub Welcome Pack like you used to get from magazines with like, a badge, a membership card and a sticker would be fun. Maybe a tier for a box of crap too - like, old or unused props from stuff you've made, stuff you no longer need, old scripts you've written (signed), stuff like that? Access to polls for ~£5 a month to decide what videos come out first. Honestly, I don't know - it's difficult knowing that people want. I personally love the physical rewards and am more likely to back someone if there's a postard or sticker or welcome pack or similar involved.


We need a gameshow, based around darts with an anthropomorphic bull and a long dead Northern comedian.


It's tricky. You've said before that physical rewards are a massive pain in the arse, so you'd probably want to steer clear of those. But then the only other real options are exclusive videos for people higher up, which would mean more filming & editing... I pay $5 a month, which is more than some and less than others, but I'm not looking for anything extra for that. Maybe you could do higher tier exclusive Q&As? But the less people who see them, the less Qs you're likey to get.

Christopher Smith

I wish there was the ability to pay in pounds.


Suffice to say, given the utter misery the Kickstarter rewards have caused me... I won't be offering physical treats on Patreon. It's more things like... maybe some sort of video diary that's exclusive to certain tiers. That kind of thing...


It's great that you're planning to spend more time on Digitiser things next year. Although the number of patreons will probably grow, I feel that most aren't here for the rewards. However, perhaps you could offer a pair of complimentary tickets to live Digitiser events for all patreons at a certain tier? I also like Chai's idea of periodically offering generous patreons first refusal of your excess tat - sorry, memorabilia - in a tier which you could call "Biffo's Bins".


I like the egalitarian nature of the one tier. I don’t know. I’m sure I read somewhere that most of the larger Patreon creators have massive numbers of $1 backers rather than a few higher ones.


That was meant to be a line space there. Oh well. If there are to be tiers please don’t send me any tat. Digital only if you wouldn’t mind. Oh now it does a line space. Bloody phone.


Beanus Fanclub sounds like the best indie band ever


I think you need to not lock your self into a schedule or doing a particular thing, but make stuff as it takes you to add the vault of available extras. Maybe having them themed to what ever your currently working on dvd extra style but in a different medium to give you a change from editing all day, whilst still being part of whatever project you are into currently. Making stuff for the tier could become a chore in the same way as posting physical items if it's not something your really into. some ideas anyway. Teletext. I think the faithful could stand more teletext formatted content be it artwork or pages. remember those custom ones you did. maybe there is more mileage here for funding. Artwork. what are your non teletext drawings like these days anything you could share? Podcast. you talking about stuff. might work better with a co host. the latest nerd news or the week or months website posts as a springboard. Video or Stream. of you browsing ebay looking for weird stuff which you apparently spend a lot of time on anyway. Writing being a writer are there any projects you could do as a novel to put out as ebook. if you wanted to take a crack at dr who. don't wait for big finish just change it to dr brown and i'd be happy to give it a look. At the moment i feel i'm more likely to join crowd funding for a new series or attend any live events than raise my pledge. You might want to look at what you want to create in a year and make the tier part of the plan to fund it. Or else make it really simple things that give you a break from bigger projects.


I wanna see Biffo, Paul, and Eli dressed up as Beanus. Three Beanus salad.