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H'okay, chums. Here's the last thing you'll be getting from me for a couple of weeks. 

It's the video that the "controversial" photo came from. I'm not going to make it available to the wider public - so please don't go and share it everywhere; it's just for you - but I think, in context, it's completely fine. 

I mean, the joke/focus, if there is one, is on me being a stupid man-child, not any dodgy historical associations with white sheets and toothbrush moustaches. There's nothing nasty in it really, and if anything it's all quite sweet and child-like. Apart from Gannon's t-shirt.

I have to say... watching them back, I'm really, really pleased with these vids featuring Ashens. He brings something lovely to them, and complements the shows without trying to take over. With Gannon and I it always risks getting a bit shouty and manic, but Stuart has such a calm, witty, presence, it really helps balance us out.


Speak to you all in a couple of weeks!




Have a fantastic holiday,Mr. B!


Hope you have a good recharge and relaxing break Paul, I'll be watching all of this early stuff tonight, very keen!


Have a great holiday, you've certainly left us with some tasty looking fun for whilst you're away, thanks :)


Enjoy your holiday man. Hope it helps you recharge and get in a better overall mindset for things. You've been working hard. Remember to have an extra margarita or 6

Phil Robinson

Have a fantastic holiday! Remember, you owe us nothing. Except love. (just kidding - take care of yourself and yours, we'll still be here when you get back) x


A well deserved rest, I hope it has the desired effect! <3


The ghost of Charlie Chaplain would have alot to say what with dying, his body being stolen, held to ransom, recovered and then buried under loads of concrete.


Enjoy your holiday!


Enjoy the break Paul. It’s long overdue and you deserve it! Love to you and Sanja x


Good banana that! I wish I’d gone away this week but I am totally burned out with travel. Instead me and the dog have chilled out