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Happy Sunday! So, off the back of posting on Twitter a response to a comment I got on Digitiser2000.com (the one I posted on here a couple of days ago)... I got a lot of comments telling me not to read the comments...!

I love reading the comments - good or bad - because it's how I interact with the audience. I wouldn't read them if I couldn't take the bad ones. That said, probably one out of a thousand does get under my skin, and make me feel I need to address it.

And because this one comes from one of you lovely Patrons - who is no doubt reading this, unless he has already cancelled his pledge - I thought I needed to respond to this from "Mr Bass" (in response to the comment I posted on here recently):

"Woah Biffo, talk about acting like a spoilt little kid "It's MY channel." actually no, its not. Your channel wouldn't be what it is without the community that surrounds and supports it, hobby or not. 

"Also, as a patreon patron, I'd argue that anyone putting financial input in to support you should also be able to have at least some kind of collective influence to a degree (this is shaky territory I'll grant you) over how the channel is run. 

"Without us, you'd not be able to do all the things you want to do on the channel as easily or as quickly. This is the choice you made when you signed up to patreon. Your attitude has been, on occasion, quite abrupt with anyone who wants to raise a complaint, and it's not gone unnoticed."

I hope the majority of you know how much I appreciate your support, and how much I try to reward it, so it does make me a bit sad (only a bit, mind!!!!) when my efforts don't pay off.

Here's how I replied (yes, I was rude and sarcastic to him - guilty as charged! Most of you know my writing style is sarcastic and snippy):

"Not gone unnoticed"??? Oh noooo! They're coming for me! 

"Look, here's how it works: people DON'T get a say, and the channel is mine to make of it what I want. End of. 

"You might pay a quid a month or whatever, but I'm the one who has to spend hours making content, and sinking a lot of my own money into it. Patreon enables me to make Mr Biffo things in whatever way my creative instincts lead me.

"Simply put, if I ever feel forced to make things under the Digi brand that I don't enjoy making... I'll stop doing it, and you ain't gonna get nothing.

"What people DO get, however, is a choice: to support what I do... or NOT support what I do, either financially or by watching/reading it. That's what's on the table.

"Voluntarily paying to support somebody's hobby or creative endeavours doesn't entitle you the right to dictate those endeavours. That's how it works.

"So, a little bit entitled there, Shirley."

There were a bunch of replies to that - probably because I called him Shirley - most of which felt I'd been rude in my replies. 

Such as this one from BabyBlueEyes:

"All Chris was asking was for some variety on the Digi Mini episodes, You've had a long stretch of nothing but you and gannon videos, can you mix at least one in with Octav1us or Larry, that's all he was saying.

"I like Gannon too, but your best episodes have been ones like the stranger things coke test, the VR flight game and one on piracy and so on. all he's asking is for you to mix things up once in a while. 

"and Mr Bass's comment was about you throwing your toys out of the pram at the slightest hint of criticism, which you've done multiple times now. Jesus you need to stop that, as that only leads to losing your viewerbase and replacing them with trolls knowing they can get a reaction from you."

Which is a shame about the Chris thing, because it hadn't actually bothered me; I just used it as an opportunity to explain why there was less Larry and Octav1us. 

Then there was this from a Paul:

"These replies are very rude. No one expects any meaningful input for our meager donations and Kickstarter pledges. However, people are allowed their opinions. A bit of recognition for the support you have enjoyed over the years also seems lacking in these replies 'Support what I do or f-off'."

Which is sad, because I think I regularly recognise the support I've had... but anyway. 

And then Mr Bass came back with this: 

"Riiiight then. I was, as has been correctly pointed out, basically telling you to stop behaving like a snivelling little spoilt brat. Which is what you do everytime anyone criticises you. Calling me entitled isn't going to make your argument any easier to win, Biffo. I'm not acting like a shareholder, I'm acting like a person who pays a damn sight more than a quid to your channel every month and who is asking to be shown a bit of flipping respect for it. 

"I, myself am not asking you to make any specific content, but what I am doing is asking you to stop being a dog in the manger about things when people do ask you to make content which they think they'd enjoy. Even if you don't think you'd be making any stuff with Larry and Sarah soon, you could have just said that, instead of the essay on "its my channel so nyaahhh". 

"I expected better of you Biffo. If any other patrons are reading this, I don't expect they'll vote with their wallets and pull funding on this occasion, but you keep doing it and they will...and...it'll inconvience you for a bit. But the financial impact isn't where you should be concerned."

So, while I don't really want to continue this any longer than it needs to be, it has come from a Patron, so I sort of feel I needed it to be addressed, and I wanted you all to see my reply. 

Which was this:

"Right. Let's see if I can do this without calling anybody fart-features or Shirley... They don't like it up 'em! 

"Mr Bass: Mate, I honestly don't know what you want me to do. I mean, I can apologise that YOU (and Lizzie and Paul) thought I was being rude to Chris, or throwing a tantrum, but I don't think I was. Believe me, I know I can be a grumpy, impatient, sod at times, my style of writing is often sarcastic and snippy... but not in this case. 

"Chris's comment hadn't bothered me. It was just time for a long overdue setting-out-of-stall, and he gave me the opportunity to do that. 

"The reason it might seem to *you* that I can't take criticism isn't because I can't take it (try being a professional screenwriter: every draft comes with a bunch of red text, and a phone call, telling you why you're shit), but because it's not helpful to a creative process. I have to dismiss it in order to make stuff that is completely true to me.

"I'm baffled as to all these instances of it that you mention, because they obviously didn't bother me enough for me to remember them. 

"I explained everything in my reply to Chris; I'm simply not changing the channel for Patrons - which would be me making content that *I* don't enjoy doing.

"And because I'm not going to do that, and because you seem to want something different to that, I mean it in all sincerity when I say you have the choice not to support me. That's fine! Like, completely, one hundo percento, fine. 

"I do try to give Patrons value for money... in terms of getting content from me, and I think I overdeliver on that in terms of early access to videos twice a week, written content on here most days, exclusive blog posts... I appreciate their support hugely. 

"If you are giving me money with a different expectation... then I'm sorry about that. As I said to Chris... you know what to do.

"I simply don't need *creative* support from Patrons. Any creative or artistic endeavour is not helped by having 250 executive producers breathing down your neck. It's hard enough in my day job with one or two. Most Patrons seem to understand that. I do, however, love interacting with them. It's a great community, full of lovely people.

"In the case of Chris's initial complaint - that there was too much me and Gannon, and not enough Larry and Octav1us - I felt it was important to explain why that is. I mean... it's a shame for Chris, but they do have their own channels if he wants more of those two. Also, there may be reasons that I haven't stated as to why they've not appeared more, which I may not be able to talk about...

"Nonetheless, the bio on my Patreon page clearly makes no mention of Larry or Octav1us (or even Gannon for that matter), and Digi existed for 25 years, on and off, before they came along. 

"Unfortunately, calling me names really won't do anything other than make me dig my heels in even further. With the greatest respect, if anyone appears to be acting spoilt, and throwing their toys out of the pram here, it's you.

"For a start, the threats about me losing my audience, if I continue not to listen to them, just wash over me. I'm not doing this to have a big audience. My self-worth isn't tied to that.

"If it was, do you really think I'd be making such weird content? I'd be doing click-bait listicles if so!

"Bottom line: Supporting a creator on Patreon allows them to do what a creator does - make stuff that's honest and true to them. Regrettably, calling them a spoilt baby when they make stuff you don't like, and state - in very clear terms - why that isn't going to change, is the definition of entitled. 

"I was only being sincere when I said to Chris that he doesn't have to watch stuff he doesn't like (none of you do). As I stated before, I've got a career where I already have to write for others.

"When it comes to Digi and whatnot... the whole appeal of it is the creative freedom. Patreon gives me the chance to expand and make better looking/sounding stuff (as I said on there recently, I bought a couple of new cameras, lights and sound this month alone). But I'd shut it down before I let it dictate what I make.

"And again, my reply to Chris wasn't said with any degree of annoyance; I thought it was important to lay out the state of the channel, and how things will be going forwards. That's what I did, and I wasn't rude to Chris - it was simply a long answer, which I accept that a few of you have read as rude. Not a lot I can do about that.

"I evidently needed to explain that Digitiser The Show is not the entirety of the Digitiser channel, and why he shouldn't expect Larry and Octav1us as regular co-hosts in future.

"I have legally trademarked Digitiser, I created it almost 27 years ago, and have been writing it more or less solo on-and-off since then. When I say it's my channel... it's not being spoilt... It's literally my channel. Like... literally *literally* my channel. Creatively, everything that has ever appeared on the channel, from Digi the Show, to Found Footage has been driven by me. It IS mine! Which is why Patreon makes no mention of anyone else. 

"Lastly, I just want to say... I really don't like this notion that content creators or people in the public eye are held to a higher standard of politeness than their audience. 

"I get the perceived power imbalance, but it seems somewhat hypocritical when somebody can come at any of us with a foam-flecked, red mist, rage, and we're meant to just go: "OMG! I AM SO SORRY I'M SUCH A NASTY PERSON... HOW CAN I MAKE IT UP TO YOU?!"... 

"And if we don't do that it's all "FFS - STOP THROWING YOUR TOYS OUT OF THE PRAM!!!"

"That's stupid and annoying. Not least when I'm generally very nice with people online.

"Paul: Of course people are entitled to their opinions! They totally are. I don't censor any comments, and I respect people's opinions... This isn't really about opinions or criticism though is it? It's explaining why supporters don't get a say in the creative direction of what I do (unless I invite that).

"So please try not to have a knee-jerk response to me ignoring, dismissing or responding to criticism as being another creative person who can't take criticism. 

"Yeah, I was a bit rude to Shirley (dammit!), but I just thought I was being helpful in explaining it all to Chris, for the benefit of everyone.

"Also... I dunno if any of this nonsense has come from how I am in the Digi Mini videos, but - and I accept that it's death to have to explain a joke - when I rant about comments on there... it's meant to be a joke. 

"We're playing heightened versions of ourselves for comic effect; a pair of idiots constantly undermining their own attempts to do YouTube videos. Of course I don't care if somebody criticises our shit plastering.

"I mean it is shit. It really is."

And that's it. I've said all I can say about it, so I'm drawing the line there as far as my responses go, but I want to say to all of you... I am sorry if any of you have ever felt I've not shown sufficient gratitude, or that things I've done have not gone in the direction you wanted. 

I can only, at the end of the day, follow my muse... or make content that rings hollow, because I'm trying to make stuff I *think* people want to see. 

The community on Patreon - and beyond - is very special to me. It has made my life better. It has always been lovely, I'm deeply indebted to it... and I'm sad that there has been a bit of a backlash here that I've somehow failed to live up to the standards that have been set for me. 

Not that sad, mind. I mean... whatever, y'know.




As I've said already, if I didn't like the content, I wouldn't be a patron - simple as that. Do what you do, that's what I enjoy. It's hilarious, erratic and we can see your passion in it - it's not like you're just churning crap out and pocketing our money for yourself. Your Patreon bio says exactly what it goes towards! Keep it up - the minis, the website articles, everything! The rest of us love it!


True story: I fund this Patreon so you can do whatever the hell you want with the content. Because I think it’s funniest and ‘most real’ (I’m quite the Wordsworth) when you’re doing what you believe in and want to do. It’s kinda the whole point of Patreon for me.


Keep on doing what you do, happy to see where it goes and contribute in a tiny way.


With taking feedback, I feel like people are forgetting something important - when it comes to actually IMPORTANT shit, you always listen. When you said "midget" in a video, you cut it out to avoid harm or offense. When I pointed out you'd used flashing lights with no warning, you added a warning and apologized. When it comes to stuff that actually, really matters, you are EXCEPTIONAL when it comes to listening and taking into account what we say. Few other creators are so willing to listen and accept when they've fucked up. Calling you spoilt is simply inaccurate, because it completely ignores your willingness to listen and talk about important stuff. You make awesome stuff. You make weird, niche, completely bizarre stuff. You make absolutely odd, ridiculous, silly things. Your audience are under no obligation to continue supporting you, your audience are under no obligation to LIKE what you do. But acting like you're spoilt or 'throwing toys out of the pram' or whatever is complete and utter horseshit. Besides, you can't throw toys out of the pram, you need them for videos! and don't call me Shirley. ;)

Chinny Hill

It's like they never read Digitiser or understand the history of why you killed off Mr Biffo originally.

Chinny Hill

Also I want a video of Gannon in a wig doing magic tricks to a group of bored children. I give 80p a month so dance for me bitch. X


Cheers, Charlie. Yeah. I do try to listen, that's why this has frustrated me. Things that matter... I'm pretty good at owning my own mistakes. Creatively, there's no real right and wrong at the end of the day - it's just like or don't like - so I can only respond either by ignoring it, or being facetious. But thank you.


Well, I'll admit that part of why I vanished was because I wasn't as thick-skinned back then...


One of the main problems with the internet is how damn entitled some people feel. Look at the Game of Thrones fiasco. Yeah, I thought the ending was not all it could have been. But all the outrage was ridiculous. Petition's to change the ending? Demands for it to be done the way they wanted? It's so childish, and when you call them out on it it results in a childish response, with name callings and all that. So sod em. You do you. I chip in so you can do whatever YOU want, not what I want.


I'm not sure it's a case of feeling entitled to dictate what Digitiser does, more Mr Bass simply is pointing out that Biffo could do worse than to respect us Patrons a little and calm down a bit. That's how I see it.


Well this is all a bit of a pointless shit storm now, isn't it? I'll keep this short : Biffo, keep up the great work, try not to react to angry people and don't get angry yourself.


I'd like to go on record now and state that the "a Paul" comment was not from me. You can spend my Patreon donation on beer and fags for all I care. I love whatever video you make and wouldn't dare suggest my paltry monthly effort should entitle me to any directorial or producing input into what you do. Unless you asked us by aggressively shouting in our faces and then I'd probably timidly reply that I'd like a few more fart jokes.


I dont support people on patreon as a means to have any kind of say in how the videos are made. Its purely to offset Youtubes crappy ad system which if most of the channels i like relied on 100% wouldnt exist or even worse would have to change the way they make their vids to appeal to a broad auduence, and in effect lose what is unique about them in the first place.


I recently became a patreon because I love the content Paul puts out. When I'm having a down day, watching digitiser actually cheers me up as I get the humour and you dont see much of this type about these days due to the PC brigade. Keep doing what you want to do, anyone that's not happy just leave and watch something else, your not going to like everything, hell my favourite TV show has the odd shit episode. I thought patreon was about supporting and not becoming a shareholder / producer of something - that's why we end up with shit films because of too much meddling. Anyway carry on with what you do Paul, dont take the negative comments to heart, you really didnt need too or justify what you do in such a long blog post


What you do with my teeny tiny contribution is entirely up to you. I'd rather have a creatively free Biffo and the absolute nonsense and hilarity that entails than committee led soulless crap. Why would I want to dictate what you do? For one I'm not that funny and B I couldn't come up with a good topic if I tried. Keep being you.


I'm glad you addressed this. "Don't read the comments" as general advice is letting the trolls win... and it also, as you say, deprives you of the opportunity to interact with people who are positive, friendly and supportive. Which, again, is letting the trolls win; the thing they LOVE to do is isolate you. I've been dealing with some of this myself this week. I was upset and frustrated at the negative, dismissive and rude tone of a review I read earlier in the week, so I posted and thoughtful, positive and respectful response in which I argued that it would be nice if reviewers gave the games they were playing a chance rather than spending more time talking about how offended they are than the actual game itself. My response from the actual reviewer himself was to swear at me and block me, and I had one 4-follower, no-avatar Twitter account (who, it turns out, is someone who has been stalking me online off and on for the last few years) yelling at me for things I didn't actually say. It's easy to focus on those aspects -- and my Aspergers-riddled brain means I frequently do -- but I received literally THOUSANDS of supportive comments in favour of what I was saying. I was very obviously in the right. And that felt pretty good. I was not going to let the trolls win on this occasion... and they most certainly did not.


I'm not angry. I was... this one time... frustrated, and hoped you didn't all feel the same way.


Sorry to hear that, Pete. I'm glad you're glad I addressed it. Me too. I don't like that we're expected not to respond to stuff online. At the same time, I know that trolls are best starved (but in this instance I didn't see any of the commenters as trolls). I doubt it'll make much difference to the people it was in response to - there's all sorts of projecting going on there - but it gave me an opportunity to restate what Patreon is for, and the direction of the channel (which will continue to evolve).


We love you Biffo ❤


I am so shocked that ANYBODY can defend 'Shirley' after his rather arrogant comment and then moan at you for being rude back to him... Wtf goes on in peoples heads. He comes across as entitled, unable to grasp the concept of Patreon and the complete inability to engage in an adult conversation without being a dum-dum. I don't mean to be vulgar or insulting to young Chris but he's your typical twitter twat who has somehow found his way off of Twitter feels it's still acceptable to act that way on other platforms. I don't have the confidence to make my own youtube channel and put myself out there like you and the rest of the Digi guests have. However, I would love to and if I ever did, I would want it to be MY channel with content I enjoy making. It may not be everybody's tastes but it would be my tastes and could look at it and think "That's MY work and not someone's else's". That's what I and pretty much all of the digi subscribers love about your channel. You don't chase after subscribers or if you do you do it in a very dry tongue in cheek way while giving us weekly gold. Whether it's with Paul, Sarah, Larry, your wife or just you on your own we are guaranteed to have 15-20 of mins YOUR sense of humor which will makes us laugh, cringe (in a good way..I'm thinking Of the awkward silence between you and Larry when you randomly said "That September 11th was..awful.") and wanting more. if that's not enough for some folks then there are plenty of other youtube channels who produce watered down filler content on a daily basis hoping to hit as many demographics as possible and to please as many as possible while pleasing very few. When I (and i think most) subscribe to your patreon we are investing/subscribing to YOU. We trust you to produce the same quality of content each week and you have not failed us yet. ignore Shirley and the rest of the TTT's. <3

Christopher Smith

I would continue with what you are doing, its the whole point of YouTube and its 10x better than Home and Away (Sorry Alf and yes I am probably a Galar). I came here from Barshens and still gutted their show changed to Podcasts and is now dead.


Hi Biffo, thanks for this, I do love your written work most of all. I follow your logic, as always, and thought I’d chime in to let you know I agree and support your stance. If it helps then please be aware that your position on this make me more comfortable about being a Patreon sponsor, not less. Keep it up!


It had never occurred to me that my Patreon contribution entitled me to any say in Digi's content. It's an odd thing to assume. Carry on doing what you're doing Biffster.

Phil Robinson

I really felt I had to comment just to add my support. I don't contribute to this expecting anything else but for you to do what you do. Because I happen to love dearly what you do. That's all. The day you stop doing something I love (which frankly is unthinkable right now) then I'll know what to do. And not stamp my feet telling you it's all your fault or something. It's baffling to me how someone can take that entitled stance. They can always bugger off if they want to. All that said, you clearly have the support of the majority of your patrons. But I understand that sometimes you do need to respond to certain things, because sometimes people need to be slapped down for being a dick. Much love xx


Could of at least replied with " dont call me Shirley " its a classic !


Biffo, I have loved every video you have put out. Be it about gaming, magic, blue balls, fartbusters and almost setting your hair on fire. This is the top tier content I signed up for! Never fail to laugh while watching and I thank you for doing what YOU want to do! I’ll always support that!

Greg Lindsey

Financial backers feeling like they “have a say” in creative decisions is how we’ve ended up with awful executive meddling bullshit, time and time again. You be you. If people like it, great. If they don’t, they’re free to stop contributing. End of story.


I've been able to support Found Footage and Digitiser: The Show and now through Patreon can enable you to treat yourself to something from Poundland every second month or so. Now have I got equal enjoyment from everything you've done? Let's be honest here of course I haven't. Most of your work amuses and entertains me, occasionally they'll be something that I just don't connect with, and then there are the pieces that become ingrained in my consciousness beside favourite Monty Python sketches and moments from Vic Reeves Big Night Out (I'm looking at you DJ Trendy Peanut, Kowalski and especially the tributes to Bronk). The joy of being able to support someone's creativity is never knowing quite when they're going to blindside you with something unexpected and brilliant. You do what you want to do


I really like the Digi Mini format, I think it really works. Whilst I appreciate the urge to do bigger and better things, having a format that keeps things chugging along in the meantime seems like a perfectly cromulent approach to me.


I am along for the ride not for the destination


This makes me want to throw more money at Digi not bugger off. Some people really need to told how it is. I used to work as a DJ in a club, every week some entitled git would demand to be played their 'song' even if completely didn't match the night, when refused they would pull the "I pay your wages to play what I want!" balls. I had to explain (with lots of swears) that the club pays me to use my judgement and skills to provide music, if they wanted punters to choose the music they could install a jukebox.


Wow, can't believe people who claim to be fans of yours and want to support you would act like this, love the show and wouldn't want you to start tailoring it for the idiots who think just cause they give a bit of money have the right to dictate what you should do, the whole reason people initially supported you on patreon was because of the content you came up with, so why ask for it to be changed, ignore them mate, keep on doing what you feel is right, we all love it, and some of us actually get your "sarcastic" wit, its meant to be a joke, silly Shirleys!


Biffo. You're the only human I support via patreon & I give you the money to literally do whatever you like with because, on average, your output brings me joy. I think it's admirable that you try to engage with people who are complaining, but I honestly wouldn't bother... It seems to me that the average modern human brain has atrophied so much from the constant downward intellectual spiral of mainstream media &the constant screaming-into-the-void of online interaction that most people seem incapable of perceiving anything other than explicit agreement as a valid position for others to take. Oh and people who instantly demand respect rather than understanding it's earned are the worst. Balls to the lot of em.


I've always lived by the mantra of "it's good to have contempt for your audience". My opinion of your work, at the end of the day, doesn't matter. I fling you a few quid a month because I like what you make and if I ever stop liking it I'll just stop paying and move on with my life. The people on here that think they own you and your content just because they've taken it upon themselves to give you money are the very definition of entitled and you'd be well within your rights (as far as I'm concerned) to tell them to sod off. I think you've handled these pricks perfectly well and best of all, true to character.

Tyronne Mann

Never in a million years have I thought that being a patreon would allow me to say in which way the creator I back should dance for their supper - I simply do it as I appreciate what they do and want to help make things a little easier for them as my way of saying thanks. Digitiser has become one my favourite channels and each and everyone makes me laugh and for me its proof that terrestial telly is dying as they simply would never in a million years put this content on as their idea of what the audience wants and what they actually want is getting wider by the year. I see Digitiser as not just one thing but an umbrella where all sorts of things can be seen beneath its canopy and long may it continue as I really appreciate what everyone brings to the table. Many thanks for all the hard work Paul - I sure appreciate it :)


You do you, Biffo. I put my money in to help you do what you want to do, not my version of what I want you to do. I'm just chuffed to have a regular supply of Digi madness.

Stephen Cross

I pay LESS than a quid!

Stephen Cross

I’ve just noticed he’s called Paul and you’re called Paul


Fuck you Biffo. I pay my sub, I expect you to do whatever I say. Now go put some things in your bottom for me.