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Hello y'all. I had a comment posted on the Digi Letters Page this morning, which sort of hit upon some stuff that had been going on behind the scenes, and which Sanya and I have been talking about quite a bit. 

Here was the comment:

"No offense, but I'm getting a bit tired of the Biffo/Gannon videos constantly, they feel rather empty without the others. Will Octav1us and/or Larry ever be making another appearance, or have they been kicked off the show now?"

Now... I don't blame him for feeling like this. The channel is evolving, and if you tuned into Digitiser The Show expecting the Minis to continue in the same vein, then wall-to-wall Biffo and Gannon could be a shock. 

But... I also felt it was important to make a few things clear - which might've been vague - and thought I'd share my response here in case you missed it:

"All I can say, Chris, is if you're tired of me and Gannon... don't watch us. Go watch something more to your tastes instead of complaining to me, 'cause it won't make a difference. Ultimately, Digitiser2000 is MY YouTube channel - not anybody else's. I own the Digitiser brand, I co-created Digi 27 years ago, etc. etc. 

"Nobody complains about the lack of other people on Octav1us's channel, or on Larry's channel, or on Ashens' channel, or moaned at Morcambe and Wise because they didn't do enough episodes with Michael Aspel...!

"However - for reasons I don't really want to go into - I was getting concerned that there had become an expectation that was set up by Digitiser The Show that we're still all equal on the Digitiser channel in terms of the billing, and that the others were somehow entitled to appear in the Digi Minis.

"I felt everything on the channel had started to become seen as an extension of Digitiser The Show, and it's really, really important to me that I reclaim the channel as my own for me to do what I want with. 

"It's probably my fault for not being clear enough before, but I now need to create some air between what I do next and Digitiser The Show Series 1, and stake my own claim on what was mine in the first place. Your comment just makes it all the more obvious to me that why I need to do that. 

"Regardless, Digitiser the Show was always designed around Paul and I as the main hosts... me because Digi is mine and mine alone, and him because of his huge experience in front of the camera.

"It just so happened - and this isn't a knock against anybody else - we had the best chemistry on-screen. It's not something you can manufacture. 

"Larry and Octvav1us are friends, and I'm sure they will appear again (as will other people - I've got some vids with my wife coming up, Ashens is hopefully going to appear soon, hopefully Jim Sterling too at some point, and some other secret guests), but Digitiser The Show was one thing, and the Minis are another. 

"Another part of the reason there has been less of the Digi The Show hosts on there is because the more people that are involved, the more unwieldy they become to make and edit. 

"My day job is stressful enough that I don't want to do things in my spare time which also cause me stress. It's meant to be fun; I just want to set up some cameras and mics and arse around. I've no game plan for it, which is liberating; I couldn't give a fig if we're tailoring our content for views. Plus I've enough responsibilities in my life, and enough people who all need me to be there for them - three kids, three step-kids, elderly parents, a demanding job - that I need something drama and logistics-free that's just for me, and isn't a headache.

"Everyone else involved with Digitiser The Show has their own channel - Larry's and Sarah's are significantly more popular than Digitiser2000, and even Paul has Cheapshow. Again, the whole point of setting it up was that I had an outlet of my own. 

"If you and others like this incarnation less... fair enough. I'm still going to carry on doing things the way I want to do them, because otherwise there's no point. Again: it's a hobby, not a job. And if you don't like it, that's fine... but you know what to do."

And that is that, really! As always, I appreciate your support massively, but also appreciate that  there isn't quite as much written content as there once was (though I was probably overdelivering massively in the past; sometimes two or three articles a day), and that the Minis have moved away from games a bit (though we will still do games stuff in the future). So if any of you feel like what I'm doing isn't what you signed up for... I'd totally understand.

Nonetheless, your money is helping things to keep going. I recently bought Borderlands 3 and Link's Awakening for review, I invested in a third camera and tripod, a handheld gimbal camera, and some new lighting (not to mention the rubbish we look at on the channel) all thanks to you lot. It'd be impossible to do the things I do were it not for Patreon. So, thank you for sticking by me, for however long you do.




I've got not no issues when anything you do on your channel. I discovered you through Octav1us. I like you and Mr Gannon's chemistry and silliness and they are good things. If I want to learn about ghosts without fart noises I can do that on Mr Gannon's channel. If I want to learn about noodles I can do that too. I support you because you are YOU and I like your content. If I stop liking it, I can "jog on", :)


I totally get it. I've always thought of it as guests/panelists - depending on the format. Just keep doing what you do, as long as you enjoy it too. As the kids say on the street (well, I live in a cul-de-sac actually): "Haterzz gonna hate"

Richard Shaw-Wright

People have a bizarre claim of control to things which are provided free (for the most part) and for those who do pay, can always bugger off. It's a strange world.


When it's kickstarter backers, or patreon patrons, or someone is pointing out something genuinely upsetting or offensive, I get giving feedback. When it's just 'I don't like the meat of what you do'...I don't really get it. Just move along! :) That said, I love what you do and I think you and Gannon's chemistry is bloody brilliant. You make me laugh so, so hard. You make good stuff, and I'm glad I get to see it. Thank you for doing what you do!


I really enjoy the digi minis. It doesn't matter who's on them. Clearly you and Gannon together works really well. Anyone who follows Sarah knows that she's not necessarily in a great place right now with her health, so there’s a clear reason why she’s not been on screen lately. I don’t understand people making these kinds of comments. Why do their think their opinion matters at all? To me, digi is all about that subversive sense of humour, childishness and joy in stupid things which is on show in every one of the recent digi minis, regardless of who’s in them. I’m happy to keep supporting you buying all sorts of tat to show off in the minis (the recent magic tricks one brought back memories of an old “Paul Daniels Magic Set” that I had for christmas years ago), and for new filming equipment. Love that DJI Osmo thing that Sanya was using in the magic video to do close in filming – my brother’s got one of those, very cool device. Just keep doing what you do. You might lose people, you’ll probably gain people too. Since you’re doing this for fun and not for a job, there’s no need to even waste an ounce of effort on those comments.


It's nice to have the others do stuff sometimes, but it's pretty clear to me you and Paul are a great team. I couldn't see the others doing the joke or science or magic vids, it just wouldn't suit them. And I'm sure there's also planning and logistics issues trying to get people together for filming. In short, just keep up the good work, regardless of who is involved.


The whole lose some/win some thing is our reasoning too, Rich. Not everything is for everyone, so the only thing you can do ultimately is make something for yourself.


As Gannon keeps saying "stop reading the comments". Seriously I am loving all the content be it the site or the Youtubes. Not to put anyone down but your chemistry with Gannon is great and gives me plenty of chortles. However you want to evolve or change the channel I'm behind you with my fiver a month.


I guess your feelings on things are dependent on how you discovered Digitiser, for me I wasn't following Sarah or Larry before, I discovered you through Ashens who wasn't a regular. So I guess for me it wasn't jarring when it was just you and Gannon (your on-screen chemistry is spot on too). Maybe it would be weird if Gannon wasn't there too? Dunno, I guess i'll find out. But yeah, it's your channel to do with as you wish.

Chinny Hill

Thing is right, in some peoples eyes you will always be doing something wrong. It's like the people who try and get a mobile disco DJ to play their tunes and then the dance floor clears. They are happy but nobody else is. Screw 'em. Do what you want. It's just a hobby that pays for itself, you don't owe anyone anything. If people watch then great. If they don't they don't. I don't watch every last second of Digi. I'll freely admit on the last 'series' there were segments I skipped. With the notable exception of the twat in the hat I don't think I passed comment on anything I skipped! I still enjoyed it all immensely. If people don't like it, they are free to go and put their own stuff out for us to watch. But I expect they are such one note bell ends that they'll be sending their videos out to 3 people and having to buy clicks and subscribers from dodgy Chinese sites. Anyway. Do what you want and screw them all!


Nah, I'm happy to read 'em. I think I needed to say it, really.


Great response! Do what you want to do, I like the move away from just non-stop games stuff, there is loads of channels already doing that so some variety and a mix of stuff is all good. Don't think I laugh as much at any other YouTube channel, and between your channel and the cheapshow podcast, it gives me a little something to look forward too through the week, and cracks me up everytime. As for how I found your channel and stuff, I was a fan in the Teletext days. Then stumbled upon your YouTube stuff from either an Ashens or Barshens episode. Much like finding cheapshow from Barshens. Just a shame I didn't find it all sooner. Love your work chaps!


I'd like to complain about the lack of Jim Bowen on the channel.

Greg Lindsey

Your bluntness is appreciated! And just so you know, I apologize for the few times I’ve complained about “excessive fart noises” or whatnot — I’ve learned over time that this is basically my American prudishness showing. You go on being you, because frankly you and Paul are awesome.


Honestly I joined for Biffo stayed for Gannon ( aswell ). I prefer the mini digis with you two fooling around not always gaming and enjoying things that you like not what youtube likes. Yes its nice having larry and the others join in but you and gannon work well together and it shows on screen which is gooood.


The recent videos have been some of my favorites on the Digi channel. You and Gannon are great together, and it's obvious from the stuff you guys do and say that this is just an outlet for you to have fun. I love not knowing what to expect in the next video (the magic tricks video slayed me, and it was made better by not seeing it coming). I don't watch too much in the way of retro gaming channels, but there's an obvious glut of bland and derivative content that you guys are smart to avoid. I always thought of Digi and Cheapshow in the same terms that I view RedLetterMedia - you cover the kinds of topics you want, and the emphasis is on your unique voice and vision rather than just checking off boxes on the "how to build a YouTube audience playlist".


I just want you to keep doing what makes you happy, a by-product of which is that you make something that I enjoy watching and which in turn makes me happy, and so I'm glad to see you come out and say this, really. Cool.


To be fair this is a complaint that should be levelled against all channels


Personal view: not sure Octav1us was that engaged [of late]. Looked awkward a couple of times to me at least. Hey, and indeed, ho


so i loved seeing all you guys together in the Digi show and the live show was just something else amazing but fundamentally i see you as the driver of the shows and the minis ...but i do like it when you push yourself like the Sinclair episode or the little extra bits in the minis that kind of thing ..but thats just me being twatty lol..cos i like that type of stuff


Honestly, it feels like the Biffo/Gannon duality is *just right*. There's genuine chemistry there, and while I enjoy the stuff with the others, it doesn't hit anything like as often—in fact the video I liked most with Oct. and Larry was the more serious, 'this is why we do the thing' one. It's always been clear that you're making this up as you go along, because you said so. Often. If you find a groove that you enjoy , that makes you happy and makes you want to carry on, that's far more important than a couple of people angrily cancelling their subscription 'cos you done another fart joke!


(dibs on 'The Biffo/Gannon Duality' as a prog band name.)


I think there's a prog rock parallel to be drawn. Often in bands you will have a core of two or three members with other musicians passing through as styles and directions change. With Digi there is the Biffo/Gannon fulcrum around which everything and everybody else pivots. The Digi DNA is present in the Digi minis, just as it was in Found Footage and Digitiser Live, vastly different though they may seem.

Christopher Smith

hmm I wonder if anyone complains about Barry Lewis when his Mrs is on the video. The only issue I have is not knowing what was bleeped out of "WHICH OF THESE MEN HAS POOED IN THE SHOWER?" But then again I shouldn't as if its bad enough to be bleeped out, it must actually be bad.


Sadly they do -_-. I've seen some really disgusting comments when she started doing a few cooking episodes as well. While most were positive and loved them you got quite a few nasty morons feeling the need to comment. -_-. I personally love Barry and his wife. I wish she'd do more personally.


Lol do people see themselves as producers when they sign up to patreon?! I wouldn't even dream about dictating to somebody about THEIR channel. If you don't enjoy their content then there are millions of other channels out there that you may enjoy more. Personally I love the content you produce (I wouldn't be a patreon member if I didn't) and love your mini digis with Paul. You to have amazing onscreen chemistry and love hearing you both talk about anything from video games to a children's box of Magic tricks. You guys could talk about the most mundane shit and make it fun and entertaining. The only thing I will say though is PLEASE do more Brucie!! Lol Never fails to crack me up.