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Hello, you lot. Digitiser Live is just over a week away. We were sold out... and now we're not. Turns out the venue had installed two whole rows of extra seats without telling us! 

This means that if you were on the fence about coming, and you're free on Saturday 20th July, able to make it to the Harrow Arts Centre in the leafy London suburb of Hatch End (excellent transport links), and fancy an evening of unparalleled gaming-themed comedy (plus additional afternoon entertainment if you're an early bird), you may be in luck.

If you didn't already have a ticket, but now fancy coming along, they're just £15 from the Digitiser Ticket Office

As well as getting to watch the Digitiser team - Biffo, Gannon, Larry and Octav1us - fannying around on stage for two whole hours, and getting to hang out with us afterwards, you'll be entertained by the likes of Ashens, Sooz Kempner, Eli Silverman, Steve McNeil, Kim Justice, DJ Slope and Nostalgia Nerd. We may never do this again, and we've been working ourselves to the bone to bring you a unique and special evening of entertainment in a lovely venue.

Trust me; you'll kick yourselves if you're not there!



Ohhh fantastic news paul


Social anxiety threatened to get the better of me as I ummed and ahhed over this... but I bought some tickets! Looking forward to the show, and it will be great to see all you folks live. I'll be the awkward, anxious-looking mess in the corner of the bar afterwards. :)


Next weekend is going to be a belter :)


I cannot wait for this...❤️


Yeah matey I wish I could be there, but it’s me and the lads hitting the boozers )and an escape room) from Whitley Bay to Tynemouth on our joint 40th!


On behalf of myself and a couple of others I talked to, if there's going to be "sing-a-long" sections can you not overdo the "I can't hear you" or "EVERYONE MUST SING" parts since some of us will never sing in public and it's actually quite worrying we might be shamed into doing so. I know you wouldn't dream of actually coming across like that but I thought it might be helpful that at least a few people got a little worried about it.


I'm well aware that some people won't do that. And it's not a rock concert. Don't worry; nobody is going to force you to do anything you don't want to do.