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Hello, chums! Here for your delight and amusement are BOTH this week's videos, which sort of form a loose two-parter. 


In the first, Gannon and I look at Tiger's Sports Feel Tennis game - and make an outrageous offer - and in the second we play a Virtual Derby horse racing, and I nearly self-immolate. 

Suffice to say, these are two of the most shambolic, scarcely-gaming-related, filthy and unprofessional videos we've done to date... and consequently are two of my favourites.

Here they are! 

Tennis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsN70oVAFNI&feature=youtu.be 

Horse racing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZH0JEhb7oI&feature=youtu.be 



Well Tiger tennis sure escalated bloody quickly..

Tyronne Mann

I dread to think what happened in Tiger Tennis as the video is not available.


Still saying unavailable here .. if it's anything like the horse video (that sounds wrong) I feel I am severely missing out lol


Scratch that. Its working 🙃


Tennis is unavailable, but I'll enjoy Horse Racing!