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A very belated happy new year, you lot! So, as you might've seen me tease over the weekend... we're going to do a Digitiser podcast finally. 

Gannon and Larry have both been on at me about it for a while, but I confess I was dragging my heels, mainly because there are SO many retro gaming podcasts, and with weekly videos now appearing on the channel, a live show, and a second series all in the works - not to mention the daily Digi updates - it felt like retro gaming overkill. I love old games, but there's only so much even I can talk about when it comes to them.

So, I met with Paul G. last week, and we batted some ideas around - and the thing which got us both excited was doing a podcast that's still under the Digi brand, and will bridge some of the gap until Digitiser The Show returns, but without talking exclusively about old games. 

Hence; we're doing a podcast that's going to be about old things in general; toys, food, TV shows, music, films etc. - and Larry is going to be along for the ride. And it'll be called Bubblegun, which is a name that some of will be familiar with (I've got the blessing of Horsenburger, with whom I used to run the old Bubblegun site - hopefully he may even appear on an episode).

We're recording our pilot tomorrow - the format is still a work-in-progress - but we'll likely come out fortnightly at first, chiefly because Paul's going to be editing it alongside his weekly Cheapshow commitment. We will also hopefully have some special guests from time to time - but we want it to be relatively focused (best of luck, given that the three of us are utter gobshites) and not run before we've established the thing. 

Suffice to say, coming under the Digi and Biffo umbrella, this is another thing that I hope will give even more value to your continued patronage. We'll also be looking into doing occasional Patreon-exclusive recordings, but only once we've worked out exactly what the thing is!





The prospect of a Digitiser podcast with you, Gannon and Larry makes me inordinately happy. Can't wait to hear what you come up with, and it will be a delight to have it on my to-listen list alongside CheapShow, hopefully on a regular basis!


Well this has made my Bad Monday better <3


As a very enthusiastic proponent of the Bubblegun "brand" all the way from its origin, I am over the flipping moon about this news!


I'm terribly terribly excited for this!

Chinny Hill

Ensure Gannon gives you some nice Simon Bates voice processing. "Butch and sincere, but what was the year?"


I hope there'll be a website for the podcast and on that website there'll be a java applet irc client and in that java applet irc client will be a bunch of weirdos like me, all over again

Sam Anderson

Wonderful, looking forward to this!


As someone what recently got hooked on binging podcasts, this makes me very, very happy.